Get Your Gift Card On & Splurge A Little!

Do you like to receive gift cards?  I have heard some people call them impersonal, but my family doesn't share that opinion!  They have always been a favorite with my kids and even my nephews requested them this year.  Also, when applied to the after holiday sales, gift cards can help you get more bling for your bucks as opposed to shopping during the retailers' peak season, prior to Christmas. 

Gift card splurges

Friday's Find: Christmas Clearance!

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! Christmas is officially over but holiday sales may be around for another week or so.  When shopping clearance, thrift stores might not ordinarily come to mind, but I found two stores today that were already offering 75% off!  These Vintage inspired ornaments were just a few of today's fabulous finds.  I know, I know... many of you are ready to pack everything up for another year.  Just remember this time of year is the perfect opportunity to find great buys for next year's decorations or even gifts to tuck away!

Christmas clearance

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas!

I would like to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas!  Thank you for your continued support, feedback and encouraging words.  I appreciate each and every one of you.  I pray your hearts will be light and  your new year full of peace and joy! 

Merry Christmas

Your blogging, believing, thrifting, repurposing friend...

My Thrift Store Addiction signature

Oranges, Cloves and Kids' Crafts... Oh My!

The kids are out of school and the countdown to Christmas has officially begun! All of the hustle and bustle plus the added excitement of the holidays is enough to give even us grown kids a little cabin fever--especially if the weather is inclement.  My kids used to enjoy making these fragrant favors every year.  They graced our Thanksgiving table, hung on our Christmas tree and were given as small gifts.  All you need is oranges, whole cloves and ribbon if you want to hang them.  Smaller oranges like Clementines are best for this project. Sometimes the dollar store carries cloves--so check there first! Place some wax paper under the oranges, then just press the cloves firmly into the orange. School age children can help younger siblings, but tiny tots should be supervised.  We don't want cloves stuck up any noses for the holidays! Kids may chose to dot their cloves all over the orange as pictured, or make their own design.  If planning to hang, use a clove or two to hold a small loop of ribbon in place at the very top.  

Cloved oranges

Friday's Find: Pyrex For My Stocking!

"Twas five nights before Christmas, when all through the house, 
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; 
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that Vintage goodies soon would be there;

The blogger was nestled all snug in her bed,
 While visions of turquoise Pyrex danced in her head..."

Okay, so maybe I took a few liberties with the classic poem, but I am a tad excited about today's finds!  I rarely find turquoise Pyrex but today it seemed to be finding me! Merry Christmas, Self! With holiday preparations, I haven't been to any estate sales for awhile. Turns out I have missed them--look what I found at one today!  This Butterprint refrigerator dish from the 50s is in excellent condition and was a great bargain.  I absolutely adore these little fridgies and I really do use them. 

Vintage Pyrex

A Cup of Christmas Cheer: Make Your Own Herbal Tea Bags!

Greetings Friends! I have been making handmade tea bags with my organic herbs for several years now.  These are especially nice for gifts and are easier to make than you might think!  I start with my dried organic mint and spoon it into press and brew tea bags, which can be purchased online.

DIY herbal tea bags

It's a Wrap........Party!

Last night I attended a wrapping party hosted by my friend Trish. What started as her attempt to prevent gift wrapping from turning into a chore, has now become a favorite holiday tradition.  I thought this was such a fun idea I wanted to share it with you! Guests were invited to come dressed comfy, with all of their presents, wrap and ribbons in tow.   Since it was a bit warm for a fire, we were welcomed by her charming candle-lit hearth.  Christmas music was playing and finger food snacks were laid out.  Trish provided  tape and scissors which we passed back and forth. Conversation, laughter and a vast array of wrapping paper was shared between us.  Fa la la la la la la la la!

Christmas wrap party

The Twelfth Day of Christmas: Grinch Party!

Welcome! Since it is our Twelfth Day, I thought it would be fitting to go out with a party! Recently, I gave my Ginger Grand a Grinch party.  Ever since he was a baby, he has been a fan of the Grinch.  I decided to set it up in the garden and surprised him--he loved it!  Our "party" consisted of just the two of us, but this would be fun with a group of kids.  Pre-schoolers could even help with some of the preparations. I set the table with a bright red snowflake tablecloth that had a Dr. Seuss-ish look about it.  The felt Christmas tree headband pictured on the chair reminded me of the big tree in the book.  It was a "new" thrift find meaning it still had its tags and hadn't been worn.  Honestly, I wasn't too sure if GG would go for this, but he wore it nonstop until he went to bed!  

Grinch party

The Eleventh Day of Christmas: Thrift Store Whimsy and Vignettes

Welcome friends!  So glad you could drop by on our Eleventh Day!  I am constantly looking for ways to introduce the unexpected in my home including bringing the outdoors inside--like this dress form garden statuary. Let me introduce you to Juliet  She is a beloved thrift store find who started as a Christmas decoration on my porch last year.  Since then, she has been welcomed inside, served as a one of a kind lamp and is currently decked out in style for the holidays. Note that she is adorned with fresh greenery, Vintage jewelry, faux pearls and of course Peace.  She is the perfect juxtaposition of elegance and whimsy that I pine for in my decor--pun intended, wink-wink!

Dress form adorned in Xmas greenery

The Tenth Day of Christmas: Trees Across Texas Tour

Greetings on our Tenth Day of Christmas! Today's feature is a collaboration of three trees from my home state of Texas.  I am sharing some of our readers' breathtaking decorations.  First,  we travel to Huffman to view Linda's lovely traditional red and gold tree.  Set against the windows of her country home, it is sheer perfection.  Love, love, love it! 

Red and gold traditional Christmas tree

The Ninth Day of Christmas: Fresh Rosemary Wreath

Hello again, I'm so glad you have been stopping by!  The Ninth Day will be a fragrant one--there is nothing like the scent of fresh Rosemary!  I recently made some wreaths with this aromatic herb. Here's how:  First, you will need plenty of fresh Rosemary..  I cut mine and kept it in water for a few days before assembling the wreath.

Fresh rosemary wreath tutorial
Affiliate links included for suggested supplies!

The Eighth Day of Christmas: Simply Heavenly Fudge

Greetings on this Eighth Day --hope you are staying cozy and warm!  Today I am sharing one of my all time favorite holiday recipes, sure to bring some comfort and joy.  It's easy, delicious and... chocolate! Believe it or not, this fudge is made in the microwave.  It makes a great gift for neighbors and I used to make it yearly for my kids' teachers' gifts.  Here are the ingredients you will need: 1 1/2 bags of chocolate chips, a can of condensed milk and 1 teaspoon of vanilla.  This makes one batch which will fit in an average size tin like the one pictured.  Before you get started, line your tin with wax paper, and open your can of condensed milk.

3 ingredient microwave fudge recipe

The Seventh Day of Christmas: Merry & Bright Winter Tablescape

Greetings on our Seventh Day--today I am sharing a shimmering, Winter inspired tablescape to keep your spirits merry and bright! You may remember my runners from the Fall.   I love layers so I have just topped these with a silvery leaf design.  Most of my mercury glass was from clearance sales.  I find it especially lovely during the holidays with its natural sparkle!  Many of them hold tea light candles that I light in the evenings or on cold winter days.

Mercury glass tablescape

The Sixth Day of Christmas: Vintage Tom and Jerry

TGITF and what would the Twelve Days of Christmas be without a fabulous find? On this Sixth Day, I am happy to oblige with these Vintage Tom and Jerry milk glass eggnog mugs!  I have learned from experience to buy in any season, when the price is right.  Such was the case with these darling mugs!

Vintage Tom & Jerry mugs

The Fifth Day of Christmas: Bling Your Bargains!

Welcome to our Fifth Day! I bet you have been busy decking your halls! I found some great bargains on decorations this year at stores like Michaels, Big Lots, and Target.  I love the challenge of giving an ordinary item extra personality by combining it with a thrifted find or adding a simple handmade touch.  I fell in love with this garland from Big Lots.  I needed to replace some tired, old garland and when I saw this glittery, delicate one for $10, I was sold.  Plus, if you join Big Lots reward club, you will receive coupons by email.  I made a few trips to use coupons from two different weeks. So I received a total of $20 off my 6 garlands!  This garland hangs near my silver collection, thus the inspiration for the Vintage platter as a backdrop for Merry, which I found at Michaels for $1.  In fact I got three, each arranged in the garland--Merry, Merry, Merry!   Peace and Silent Night were also available. I am obsessed with Michaels dollar section.  If you have not browsed this section, you are missing out!  They change it up periodically and always offer a variety of choices.  If you are planning to shop at Michaels or Target, check their website first, as they almost always have some type of coupon. 

Holiday bargains

The Fourth Day of Christmas: Christmas in the Garden

Hi Friends! Our Fourth Day begins in the garden. Whether you have a small patio or a huge yard, your great outdoors is the introduction to your home.  You can offer guests a warm welcome without spending big bucks. Today I am sharing some of my Black Friday deals, thrifted finds and even a makeover that I used to decorate my garden.  The poinsettias above as well as the pine wreath below were purchased online at Lowe's Thanksgiving morning and picked up at my local store on Saturday--not Friday! The Christmas greeting sign was 50% off at my favorite thrift store.  Lined with burlap, my copper wall fountain makes a unique winter planter.

Repurposed fountain planter and poinsettias

The Third Day of Christmas: DIY Ornament Chandelier

Fa, la, la, la, la Friends! It's our Third Day and I'm glad you are here! Looking for a simple, thrifty way to add instant cheer to your Christmas decor?  All you need is ribbon, ornaments and about thirty minutes to transform your chandelier from ordinary to merry and bright! I chose Vintage turquoise and mercury glass ornaments with sparkly silver ribbon but yours should reflect your own personal style. Rustic, traditional or shabby chic--go for it!

DIY ornament chandelier

The Second Day of Christmas: Simplify Your Holiday Decorating!

Greetings Friends! At this time of year, it is easy to get distracted by all of the trimmings and trappings of the season.  All you have to do is walk through any ornately decorated store to come to the conclusion that your decorations may pale in comparison.  Here's my two cents--don't buy into it for a minute! The loveliest decorations are often the simplest. Before buying anything new, shop your own home.  Is there a piece that may be sitting in storage that can serve as a one of a kind decoration?  Can you upcycle something you already own to give it new life?  Pictured is my heirloom nativity, it is old and and worn and one of my most cherished possessions.  I remember when my Mother gave it to me, apologetically at first because of its wear--little did she know at the time how my affection for Vintage would flourish! The only thing better than discovering a Vintage treasure while thrifting, is having one handed down as a family heirloom.

simplify holiday decorating

The First Day of Christmas: DIY Flocked Christmas Tree

I'm excited to share the first of my Twelve Days of Christmas feature.  My hope is that these posts will help you get your jingle on and that you will have as much fun as I did--creating lovely holiday decorations and unique gifts while also saving money! So check back each day and even better offer your feedback! Humor me and hum the song to yourself...

"On the first day of Christmas my blog friend shared with me: a D-I-Y flocked Christmas tree!" 

Admit it--you sang! This project started a few weeks ago when I was contemplating how I might upgrade my rather tired looking artificial tree. I noticed that the trees I was drawn to in the stores had a light flocking or frosted appearance and I wondered the best way to DIY it.  I was hesitant to use can snow or flocking because it constantly falls and sheds. After researching, I decided to combine the two techniques I liked best with spackling and paint. 

DIY flocked Christmas tree

The Twelve Days of Christmas!

I absolutely adore Christmas! I believe in the Reason for the Season, I love decorating and the emotion that washes over me when I hear Christmas music.  When I saw this t-shirt on Pinterest I had to laugh because I immediately thought, "Yep, that's me!" I realize not everyone shares my warm fuzzy holiday feelings and I am convinced it is due to over scheduling.  The sheer busy-ness alone can rob our feelings of peace and good will!  For this reason, I make a conscious effort to plan ahead.  Who wants to drag all of the Christmas decorations out for 2 weeks and then pack it all up again?! Not this girl!  I've been teased by friends and family about having my decorations up by Thanksgiving weekend but for me, it prevents decorating from becoming overwhelming and best of all allows me to really enjoy the season. 

12 days of Christmas posts

Shopping Black Friday...Without Leaving Your House!

In a few days, the day known as the biggest shopping day of the year will descend upon us in a frenzy. When my kids were younger, I would set my alarm clock and make this annual pilgrimage to stretch my shopping money and get the best presents on their Christmas lists. Now, we are all a little older and maybe a little wiser and I found a better way! Wouldn't it be nice to get some of those same bargains, while sitting in your warm pajamas, coffee cup in hand, from the comfort of your home? Did you know that many stores not only honor their Black Friday prices online but some actually begin on Thanksgiving day?! Last year, I bought fresh wreaths, garland,and poinsettias as well as sweaters, pajamas and other gifts--all at bottom dollar prices, without leaving my house! This is definitely the way to go if you are shopping for high dollar electronics or gadgets.  The best way to "shop" for your preferred items is to sign up for email notifications at one of the sites like or .  These sites basically do the work for you--sharing store ads and prices as they are announced and also which stores will honor their prices online and when!

Black Friday deals at home

Searching for Superheroes!

Greetings Friends! It is no secret that my heart has been captured by my one and only Ginger Grand.  He is a big fan of superheroes right now and I have been planning his Christmas gift for some time--a superhero quilt.  GG is very sensory and often describes things as "comfy" or "cozy", so I wanted to use extra cuddly backing, and what is softer than a nice, worn t-shirt?!  I have been hunting and collecting a variety of superhero embellished fabrics, Vintage t-shirts and even a few pajamas. Now, let me begin by saying I am not a quilter--I am a doting Tahtee who hopes to delight her grandson.  I can imagine him squealing the names of each character and pointing his chubby little fingers to name them. Here is my finished project:

Superhero t-shirt quilt

Friday's Find: Vintage Ornaments

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! We are less than a week from Thanksgiving and I have Christmas decorations on my mind.  Today's find couldn't be more perfect--vintage ornaments! Every lovely sphere is a sweet reminder of Christmases past. These divine decorations can be high dollar at antique shops, so grab them if you see them thrifting! In addition to decorating your tree, they are also beautiful in apothecary jars or hanging in windows. 

vintage Christmas ornaments

Vintage Luggage Repurposed

Greetings Friends! Can you tell I am quite smitten with Vintage luggage?!  I have discovered some amazing deals on these gems from yesteryears, including a pair of these 1940s Samsonites repurposed as end tables.  The legs were already attached when I scored these for 50% off. I only applied my favorite driftwood painting technique.  The beauty of Vintage-- whimsical, unique and lovely to behold!

vintage luggage storage

Crock Pot Herbed Baked Potato Soup

Hello Friends! I love making soup in my crock pot especially this time of year.  Baked potato soup is one of my favorites especially when fresh herbs are added! 

Herbed baked potato soup

Friday's Find: Pewter Chargers

Greetings fellow thrifters!  Today's find is this set of Vintage pewter charger plates.  I had long admired these at a local thrift store, but it wasn't until they were marked 75% off that the price was right!  I am hoping to feature them in my next holiday tablescape but they will be versatile for any season; rustic or elegant.

Pewter chargers

Autumn Garden

Greetings Friends! Like Emily Bronte, I am awed by the vibrant hues of the season. From one day to the next, more leaves have turned and danced their way to the ground.  Before long, all the trees will be bare and more plants will become dormant for the upcoming winter months.  Even though our Texas weather is mild, I am not a fan of the bareness!

autumn garden

"Every leaf speaks bliss to me fluttering from the Autumn trees..."    Emily Bronte

Friday's Find: A Pair of Vintage Pyrex Charm Bowls

Thank God it's thrifty Friday! Today's feature reminds me of my grandmother, Mo-maw.  When I was a little girl and she had a surprise for me, my curiosity would get the best of me and I would quiz her for clues.  She would respond by asking if I really wanted to know what it was, and of course I would wholeheartedly assure her that I really did want to know.  Her answer was always the same, "It's a little red nothing!"

Vintage Pyrex Charm bowls

A Gift Well Chosen

Hello, Friends! Believe it or not, on rare occasions, I am inspired to post about something other than thrifting. Drum roll...this will be one of those posts!  It is a blustery November day here and it finally feels like Fall--I love this time of year.  The holidays will soon be upon us and I want to thank God for the many blessings in my life. In spite of the chaos that is becoming more and more constant in our world, there are so many reasons to practice gratitude.  I recently celebrated a birthday and while it seems cliche to state that is hard to believe another year has come and gone, it is so true. I cherished hearing from each of my kids including the Ginger Grand. This year I was fortunate to be treated two weekends in a row--first, by my dear friend Stacy and the following, by my Mom.  I always welcome their visits and they each went out of their way to make me feel like Queen for a day :)  I received several gifts from friends and family--thoughtful gestures that are greatly appreciated.  Unexpectedly yesterday, I received another gift from my friend Julie and I think I will smile every time I put it on--does she know me or what?

Garage Sale Girl necklace
Front: "Garage Sale Girl"

Handmade Gifts: Packaging Dried Herbs

Greetings Friends! This tin of organic oregano is packaged for my Etsy shop I am in the process of preparing others for personal use and the rest for holiday gift giving. 

etsy Secret Garden Herbs
Secret Garden organic dried herbs packaged in magnetic tins.

Friday's Find: Talking Turkey!

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! Last weekend my Mom was here visiting. As we were browsing some local antique shops, I pointed out a Vintage turkey platter I admired, similar to one my friend has displayed. Vintage dishes are my weakness and as I am partial to transfer ware, I couldn't help but think how it would compliment my Fall tablescape. However, I also couldn't help but notice it was priced at $55.  Imagine my delight when I came across one just like it this week for $2.50--gobble gobble! 

vintage turkey platter

DIY Vintage Framed Chalkboard

Greetings Friends! Recently, I saw this ornately framed chalkboard at World Market.  You know I love me some chalkboards and the embellished white frame was sheer perfection. I knew as soon as I saw it (and the price tag) I would be making my own version. 

ornate framed chalkboard
World Market's Framed Chalkboard--lovely but at $39.99, not a lovely price!

Friday's Find: Vintage Jadeite Pie Plate

Thank God it's thrifty Friday! Today I am sharing two fabulous kitchenware finds! First, look at these charming Vintage plates I scored for .25 each! This lovely Autumn Harvest pattern by Ever Yours was produced from 1955-1965. I found several each of this small plate size in addition to some dinner plates and small bowls hidden in stacks of other not-so-pretty dishes. In fact, these were so dirty, I first thought they were damaged. They just needed some tender loving care--so don't be afraid to hunt and dig! Your hidden treasures are waiting to be found!

Vintage Ever Yours Autumn Harvest plates
Love, love, love using seasonal plates with my collected Jadeite!

Warm & Cozy Guest Rooms

Greetings Friends!The holidays are just around the corner--are you expecting visiting family and friends?  A few simple preparations in your guest room can help give your visitors a warm welcome. Consider small, thoughtful gestures they would enjoy like this cozy chair tucked in the corner for reading.

Warm and Cozy Guest Rooms  Cozy bedroom touches with thrift store decor

DIY Lavender Linen Spray & Lemongrass Household Cleaner

Hello Friends! Have you tried essential oils for cleaning? I have been using natural essential oils in my home for several years now.  The benefits are countless. They provide an inexpensive way to go green, fight germs and make your house smell clean and fresh without using chemicals!  All you need is distilled water, white vinegar and the essential oils of your choice.  

DIY Lavender Linen Spray and Lemongrass Household Cleaner Made with Essential Oils

Friday's Find: Superheroes!

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! It's that time of year again--in a few weeks, there will be a host of superheroes and princesses wandering our streets! Did you know thrift stores are THE best place to find costumes? Whether you are dressing up yourself, hunting for pirate paraphernalia, or stocking a dress up chest, start by hunting yard sales and browsing thrift stores.  The Grand, who has been known to spontaneously don a Thor mask he got from his Auntie, is into superheroes in a big way, so much so that I have plans to make him a SH quilt for Christmas--but that 's another post....

Batman mask
Batman mask for Ginger Grand!

Creating Your Own Charming Plate Collage

Greetings Friends! Have you noticed the increasing number of plate display wall hangings available in home decorating stores?  Usually, the "plates" which are often metal or materials other than china or pottery, are assembled as one large piece and as you can imagine, also carry one large price tag!   Some time ago,  I admired a wall hanging like this at Pier One.  The colors complimented my decor and I considered splurging...and then I reconsidered!  At the time, it was unique in that I hadn't seen any like it before.  Since then, they are popping up all over the place and starting to have that manufactured generic look.  As you probably guessed I decided to create my own collage.  With my affection for pretty dishes and frequent thrift store visits, I had plenty at my fingertips!  As you can see, choosing your own plates and the way they are displayed allows versatility and showcases your personality.  Your display might be all the same pattern or a different color for each plate.  Can you tell I am partial to flowers? 
Plate wall collage
My first plate collage hangs on the wall opposite my dining table

DIY Burlap & Chalk Cloth Banner

Greetings Friends! Designers and event planners everywhere have jumped on the bunting banner wagon! Weddings, baby showers, graduations and more are hanging celebratory greetings in honor of each special occasion. I have seen many varieties from Vintage hankies and lace to sheet music, all lovely to behold! I decided to combine two of my favorites: chalk cloth and burlap. Burlap adds warmth to the Autumn months and versatile chalk cloth allows you to change the greeting seasonally. These are easy to make and best of all, they can be used again and again!

burlap and chalk cloth outdoor banner
Burlap and chalk cloth banner perched atop my fence for a warm welcome!

Friday's Find: Jack & Jill O' Lanterns!

TGITF Friends! How cute are these metal Jack O' Lanterns?! I must confess this is more my speed rather than carving real ones.  When I spied them for 50% off at my favorite thrift store, I decided they needed to come home with me!  They look bright and festive nestled near my front door.  Ginger Grand was equally impressed and promptly named the larger one after me--the name he calls me anyway-- and the smaller one after himself!

metal jack o'lanterns
"Tahtee & Silas"

Autumn Harvest Mantel

Hello, Friends! As promised, here is my seasonal mantel arranged with thrift findsDIY projects, clearance markdowns and of course, tiny pumpkins!  The mirror, my newest fave find, actually falls into both of the first two categories.  While I realize it has been mentioned twice previously, it is the perfect example of hunting for treasure, transforming it to make it your own and finding the perfect spot to let it shine. 

Autumn harvest mantel

October Show and Tell: Your Turn to Shine!

Greetings Friends! Show and Tell is a chance for me to brag on you-- my thrifty and creative readersIf you have not had the chance to participate yet, it is not too late.  Simply email or post a picture of your most recent thrift find, DIY project or makeover to be featured in a future post.

Stacy found this weathered wooden arch for only $5. Take a look at the Before:

Upcycled wooded arch
Stacy scored this great architectural find for $5 at a neighborhood yard sale...

Friday's Find: Thrift Store Mirror Makeover

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! Today's find is this marvelously ornate mirror! The size alone gave me pause, but at 50% off the already discounted price at my favorite thrift haunt, I knew I would regret walking away from this one! It is huge and was not easy to hang, but done oh so carefully and with lots of prayer-- seriously! It looks right at home above my mantel, though I probably will paint it

Thrift store mirror

Secret Garden Herbs Greek Salad

Greetings Friends! As a salad lover, I love to try unusual combinations or mix up new varieties on a classic. There are two things that ruin a good salad for me.  First, I dislike iceberg lettuce, period!  Also, overdressing makes a perfectly good salad soggy and adds unwanted calories. My recent favorite has been my own version of the traditional Greek salad.  This recipe is a large portion, as in my dinner, for one or could be a side salad for two.

Secret Garden Herbs Greek salad

Operation China Cabinet

Greetings Friends! As much as I love collecting pretty dishes, I cannot stand clutter. With all of my recent Vintage finds, I came to the conclusion that it was time to de-clutter. I decided to give away a set of beautiful china that I rarely use. My friend said she would gladly receive it, which makes it easier to part with. Here is my cabinet before removing the gifted china and editing:

China cabinet organization

Autumn Inspired Little Red Wagon

Hello, Friends! Even though it is supposed to be in the nineties here the next few days, as of last weekend the calendar says it is officially Fall! With the arrival of slightly cooler mornings, I have visions of wearing sweaters with my favorite boots, snuggling up with a good book and savoring hot cocoa--hopefully in the not too distant future. So today in the garden, I was in the mood for a little Autumn inspiration. I found this Radio Flyer wagon years ago for $5 at one of my local thrift stores.  I prefer repurposed containers over more predictable displays. As the weather  changes, I fill it with seasonal plants, enjoying the contrast of the bright flowers against the     

Little red wagon autumn garden

How to Make Herb Infused Oils

Greetings Friends! Herbal oils are a great way to use of the last of your summer herbs and make great gifts for the holidays!  I have been preparing them for several years now and thought I would share my favorite recipe.  You will need a large container of the oil you prefer.  I used extra virgin olive oil, the 51.5 ounce size.   You will also need several decorative decanters for storing and of course plenty of fresh herbs which need to be washed and air dried prior to preparation. Use about 3 cups of fresh thyme or preferred herb of your choice.

herb infused oils