"Twas five nights before Christmas, when all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that Vintage goodies soon would be there;
The blogger was nestled all snug in her bed,
While visions of turquoise Pyrex danced in her head..."
Okay, so maybe I took a few liberties with the classic poem, but I am a tad excited about today's finds! I rarely find turquoise Pyrex but today it seemed to be finding me! Merry Christmas, Self! With holiday preparations, I haven't been to any estate sales for awhile. Turns out I have missed them--look what I found at one today! This Butterprint refrigerator dish from the 50s is in excellent condition and was a great bargain. I absolutely adore these little fridgies and I really do use them.