The Eleventh Day of Christmas: Thrift Store Whimsy and Vignettes

Welcome friends!  So glad you could drop by on our Eleventh Day!  I am constantly looking for ways to introduce the unexpected in my home including bringing the outdoors inside--like this dress form garden statuary. Let me introduce you to Juliet  She is a beloved thrift store find who started as a Christmas decoration on my porch last year.  Since then, she has been welcomed inside, served as a one of a kind lamp and is currently decked out in style for the holidays. Note that she is adorned with fresh greenery, Vintage jewelry, faux pearls and of course Peace.  She is the perfect juxtaposition of elegance and whimsy that I pine for in my decor--pun intended, wink-wink!

Dress form adorned in Xmas greenery

Whether it is for the holidays or every day, creating vignettes in your home adds instant charm. These tiny Vintage deer were a thrift find, as was the handmade quilt piece underneath--can you believe I paid only $1.25 for these lovelies?! I absolutely love them arranged under the fresh garland with my other seasonal decor.

Vintage Christmas vignette

Here, you can see the big picture--how it looks below my Vintage jadeite.  Notice the mini bottle brush trees--also from thrifting and one of my current obsessions.  When you are thrifting, if you are drawn to a pretty little thing, pick it up--especially if it has a pretty little price!  You never know how it might compliment your favorite pieces...

Vintage jadeite Christmas vignette

Have you found a perfect match when you were thrifting, that certain little something that just clicked with your decor?  Do tell!  

My Thrift Store Addiction signature

Check out the other Twelve Days of Christmas features:

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