Hello Friends! Today's fabulous find is this heavenly Vintage mixing bowl I found in mint condition! I actually own the stand mixer for it and though I have similar mixing bowls also manufactured by Sunbeam Glasbake in the 50s, I have never come across this rare robin's egg shade before. Imagine my delight when I saw it waiting for me at my favorite thrift haunt!
Happy Wednesday! Today I have a great low carb recipe that packs a healthy punch of protein. While there are lots of similar recipes out there, most have meat in them. Instead, I opted for adding Greek yogurt for extra protein and lots of flavorful herbs. Now, for all of you carnivores out there, including my Dear Firstborn--"Mom, you have to put meat in them!"--go ahead and add your lean sausage or bacon. I just prefer my eggs and pizza sans meat!
Hello, Friends! I don't know about you, but my mood can be greatly influenced by my surroundings--this is particularly the case during the winter months. I think this is one of the reasons decorating my home is such a priority. I love walking into a cheerful kitchen, especially since it is the first thing to greet me when I come home. One of the ways I create this feeling is by changing out my Vintage table cloths. When I spotted this one, I was instantly smitten with its combination of crisp stripes and pretty florals. After it was time to put away my Christmas cloth, I couldn't wait to get this one on the table. As anticipated, it instantly brightened my spirits--like having a rose garden in my kitchen!
Greetings fellow thrifters! It's my favorite day of the week and I am excited to share my latest fabulous find! I grabbed this gorgeous Jadeite vase from an estate sale, thinking it might be a reproduction. I assumed this for two reasons. First, although I collect Jadeite, I had not seen one like it before. Second, it was not marked on the bottom; usually Fire-King is, but not always. Guess what?! I assumed wrong! With a little research I learned that it was manufactured by Fire-King in the 40s and that I really did get a good deal! Happy dance! Of course, my newest pretty is right at home among my collection.
Happy Wednesday! Being the thrifty girl that I am, I find it hard to trash Christmas cards after the season. Some of them are just so pretty! Plus I know most of us spend a good bit of time searching for that card that is just right like the person who sent me the red glittered card on the right. I won't mention any names, but hers starts with an M and ends with -o-m! Then there's this adorable little Scottie dog card I received from my sweet cousin. Ginger Grand was quite taken with it. The black dog has his own little dangling bone, while the other sports a real bell and they are standing beneath mistletoe--what's not to love?! So rather than toss them, I was inspired to make a valentine for GG. Back in my homeschooling days, my three kids and I made our own valentines yearly. They may have gone through their Starwars, Powerpuff Girls and Lord of the Rings infatuations, but you can be sure the store bought variety was stuck on a heart doily and bedazzled with heart stickers! So....when I saw how smitten Ginger Grand was with the doggie card, I knew it would make the perfect valentine for my special boy!
Hello Friends! It's January, that time of year when many retailers feature linen sales. Let's face it--nothing says "Home Sweet Home" quite like comfy bedding, but you don't have to spend a small fortune! While I would not recommend purchasing mattresses or the pillows you sleep on from thrift stores, most everything else I use in my four bedrooms have been estate sale or thrift finds. Once purchased, I carry them from my car directly to the washing machine. Throw pillows are sprayed with my organic linen spray, placed inside a pillowcase, and run through a dryer cycle. Natural sunlight is also a great way to disinfect items you might not want to put in the dryer. Check out these lovelies--all thrifted finds!

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, y'all! Hope you are having a good one! Today's finds are both from the same estate sale. There had to be a collector (or hoarder!) in this home. There were tables full of Vintage salt and pepper shakers. I was like a kid in a candy store but I exercised considerable restraint and came home with just two sets--wink, wink! Both sets are really old and do show a little Vintage wear but I have seen each of them in antique stores for a lot more than I paid! The tomato red ones are from Hazel Atlas glass and are stamped on the bottom. They were manufactured in the 40s and feature bakelite lids. Available.

Happy Wednesday! As I mentioned in my previous post, I have been bitten by the organization bug and after the satisfaction of completing my first project, I was ready to tackle another! I was considering how I might de-clutter my herb counter--the space where I package my dried herbs for storage and shipping which had become somewhat of an eyesore. I had a sudden epiphany that I was fighting a losing battle without adequate storage for the supplies I use and realized that the answer was right in front of me. I could free up counter space and organize my supplies simply by emptying the drawer below. Sorry, I should have taken before photos of the chaotic counter and ridiculously overstuffed utensil drawer but I got a little hasty in my excitement to clear the clutter! Here is my empty drawer, cleaned with my organic lemongrass cleaner--smelling fresh and ready to go:
Hello Friends! Have you noticed how stores market organization during the month of January? The new year seems to bring in thoughts of fresh starts, clean slates and getting organized. As a rule, I am pretty organized. I don't like clutter and if you were to drop by my house, more than likely it would be neat. My challenge has always been my closets and cabinets--you know behind closed doors! In all fairness, I do not have a garage so my closets have to house all of my storage. It can be a constant struggle to keep them under control! What about your house-- have you caught the organization bug? I confess I have, but I will also confess that I seem to lack the ability to organize a specific space without making a huge mess as I am doing it! Surely I am not alone here--maybe that's why we tend to procrastinate until we feel we absolutely must get things in order! Such was the case with my latest project--here is the pretty after photo:

TGITF Friends! I was overjoyed when I saw the photos posted from my favorite estate sale company advertising today's sale. It appeared to be a gorgeous home with lots of Vintage goodies and the photos did not disappoint! It was crowded, but I took my time browsing. The sale was beautifully staged and it was just one of those houses that was fun to explore! Explore, I did and I discovered this pretty little sign right away. As a writer, I am drawn to worded trinkets and this delightful garden piece was calling my name!

Greetings Friends! I am a southern girl. I do not do cold well and quickly tire of the long gray days of Winter--even our mild ones here in Texas. I have found one of the quickest ways to beat the January blues is by bringing the outdoors inside. Now to be honest, I normally tend to have better luck with things I can plant in the ground rather than typical houseplants. However, by trial and error I have found a few "easy" indoor plants and flowers that are pretty and resilient. Combining them with thrift store containers provides an inexpensive, creative way to brighten your mood while also improving the air quality in your home--win, win! I thought I would share some of my favorites with you. First, is cheerful Primrose. It comes in an array of bright colors and I usually find it with the grocery store flowers; this one was $1.99. It is easy to care for, just remove the blooms as they fade and be careful not to over water it. Here it is displayed in a Vintage tin with a collection of my thrifted finds.
Greetings Friends! I made a new soup this weekend and it's a keeper! After my recent holiday indulgences, I decided to adapt a recipe from Pinterest to make it a little healthier. The original was actually very similar to a recipe posted in a previous comments section by Mary.Mimi. So here's to you, Mary! There seems to be several versions--the one I linked includes sausage. My vegetarian option adds lots of fresh herbs and does not skimp on flavor. Plus, it has less fat, fewer calories, and is delish! Of course it is a crock pot recipe--you know I love me some crock pot soup! All you need is four cups of chicken broth, one can of fire roasted tomatoes, one bag of frozen tortellini and one bag of frozen spinach; I used a Central Market blend with garlic and porcini mushrooms. Yum! Last, I added a handful of fresh Oregano from my garden and cooked it on low four hours.

Thank God it's thrift Friday, Friends! It's also the first Friday of the new year and after the dreaded task of storing all the Christmas decorations, I was ready to get my thrift on! I bundled up, de-iced the car and headed out!

Happy New Year friends! I guess most of us think of resolutions when the new year begins. I started a new book by one of my favorite authors a few days ago. I read several chapters in my first sitting and let's just say, I am inspired! The book I am referring to is "All In" by Mark Batterson. I have read several of his previous books and he is a master at thinking outside the box. His insights always challenge me. While the title refers to the decision to be all or nothing in our faith walk, it really got me thinking about daily life. You know, the seemingly unimportant little tasks that comprise most of our days. How will I choose to go about my day--whining and complaining or seeing the everyday miracles that I might overlook? I know what I want my choice to be and I want it to permeate every area of my life--ante up, all in or not at all!
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