Welcome! I'm Cecilia,
So nice to meet you & thank you for stopping by! A little about me...
- Believer, mother, grandmother, author, lover of dark chocolate and contentedly single. Southern girl ~ Texas is home. I adore decorating and gardening and as a single parent learned to do both on a budget. Thrifting--my all inclusive verb for shopping resale shops, thrift stores, estate and yard sales is not just my hobby but rather a lifestyle. It supports my habit of collecting vintage dishes and linens, but mostly enables me to create more with less. I am passionate about transforming and repurposing castaway finds and love furnishing my home with pieces that have their own history. When it comes to decorating, I don't believe in rules. Simply allow your style to tell your home's story!
I grow organic herbs, specializing in organic rosemary for weddings @ Secret Garden Herbs. I use herbs in almost everything and post healthy recipes monthly, with the occasional indulgence for my sweet tooth.
- Besides any comments and feedback you may have, I would love to see your thrift finds and re-created projects. I look forward to hearing from you!