"Twas five nights before Christmas, when all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that Vintage goodies soon would be there;
The blogger was nestled all snug in her bed,
While visions of turquoise Pyrex danced in her head..."
Okay, so maybe I took a few liberties with the classic poem, but I am a tad excited about today's finds! I rarely find turquoise Pyrex but today it seemed to be finding me! Merry Christmas, Self! With holiday preparations, I haven't been to any estate sales for awhile. Turns out I have missed them--look what I found at one today! This Butterprint refrigerator dish from the 50s is in excellent condition and was a great bargain. I absolutely adore these little fridgies and I really do use them.

My next find from a thrift store was also manufactured by Federal Glass in the 50s and is a pattern I haven't seen before--Atomic Diamond, also in turquoise! I read this medium bowl is one of a nesting set of three. This one literally looks as if it has never been used. Isn't it heavenly?!

Last but not least, is one of my favorite Pyrex patterns--Turquoise Snowflake. I have only found it once before a few years ago at an estate sale where I purchased it as a gift for my sister in law, Sarah. Today's find was literally hiding in a dark corner of a thrift store I don't frequent as often. It is in just about perfect condition! Snowflake was manufactured in the 60s. It is popular for its pretty shades of turquoise on white like mine, or the reverse white on turquoise. It also comes in black and white. Want to see more Pyrex Snowflake?

Today's finds remind me why I am passionate about thrifting--I never know what I will find when I least expect it! During the holiday shopping season, I would think special pieces like these would be snatched up, especially since they were all $5 and under! I would love to see your fabulous finds--share the love!

Great thrift store finds! I remember having a set of the lidded ones with the rooster as a young bride 50 years ago!
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful weekend.
Thanks Marigene!