Shop Your Home: Repurposed Birdhouse Garland!

Happy Wednesday, Friends! Every so often, I like to shop my home for "new" decor.  This time I repurposed some old Christmas ornaments...

Repurposed birdhouse garland
These cute metal birdhouses were part of my Christmas decor for several seasons.  I haven't used them for the last few years, but wasn't quite ready to part with them.  I gave them some fresh paint and added them to this mini garland I bought last year at one of my favorite holiday craft sales.  Here it is hanging on the mirror over my mantel: 

Repurposed Birdhouse Garland

On my last post, I shared some of my fall favorites from previous years. This garland is a sneak peek and you'll notice I didn't include the mantel, because I'm saving it and this year's fall decor for the fabulous Blogger Fall Tour, hosted by Brenda at Cozy Little House!  I am so excited to be included--4 days featuring 28 blogs from September 15-18.  My tour will be on the final day and check out the line up; some of my very favorite blogs!  Be sure to follow along for lots of fall inspiration!

Fall home tour

Is there something in your home waiting to be recreated? 

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  1. Very cute! I love's my hobby!! :) Can't wait to see the rest at your home tour!

  2. That is a really cute re-purpose idea, Cecelia! Charming!

  3. That came out darling! A very clever repurpose! I hope your summer went well :)

  4. Cute idea! I always have so many crafty ideas of things I want to make that I get behind on projects!

  5. Love the little bird houses. With the reflection in the mirror, it looks like a double garland. Hope you have a great week with your Mom.
    Audrey Z.

  6. How cute! Love the bird houses- nice to find a fresh look for them. Hm, what can I repurpose? :-)

  7. I have so much "last season" stuff that I could probably repurpose instead of buying new! You've inspired me!

  8. I love this! I was just thinking that I should go through my ornaments and change some up. I want a white, gold and silver Christmas this year so I'm seeing some spray paint in my future :) Have a great weekend friend!

  9. I love anything bird themed. Cute repurpose! The fall tour sounds like a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  10. What a clever way to bring these sweet bird houses back to life. Thanks for sharing at VIP, Cecilia.


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