Friday's Find: Shake It Up!

TGITF Friends! If you love vintage salt and pepper shakers, you'll enjoy this week's fab finds...

Vintage salt and pepper shakers
I am a pushover for vintage salt and peppers--even when there is just one like this gorgeous green depression glass.  I'll probably use it as a bud vase.  Update: See how I used it here.

Depression glass shaker

I'm not one to polish silver and I actually like the worn patina of this pair.  I haven't decided just how I'll use these but I see a repurpose coming soon...

Vintage silver salt and peppers

Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper from the 50s, must have been really popular because I come across these often.  Even so, I am partial to their kitschy cuteness and these are in better condition than most.  

Mr. Salt & Mrs. Pepper

I've always been drawn to pewter molds but have never used one.  Have you? 

Vintage bear mold

How cute is this vintage potholder? It is already hanging in my kitchen :) 

Vintage tomato hot pad

Until next time, happy hunting! 

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  1. The green salt shaker is a treasure. Have a great week-end.

  2. Hello friend, I always see salt and pepper shakers on my hunt. I've never thought to use one as a small vase. Great idea. I'm actually going hunting today. Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's good to be back. Happy Saturday!

  3. Love the depression glass salt shaker and the mold. I rarely pass up a good mold.

  4. Fun finds, Cecilia. Love that green shaker; it's perfect for use as a vase. I can see it holding some lily of the valley next year :)


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