Get Your Gift Card On & Splurge A Little!

Do you like to receive gift cards?  I have heard some people call them impersonal, but my family doesn't share that opinion!  They have always been a favorite with my kids and even my nephews requested them this year.  Also, when applied to the after holiday sales, gift cards can...

Friday's Find: Christmas Clearance!

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! Christmas is officially over but holiday sales may be around for another week or so.  When shopping clearance, thrift stores might not ordinarily come to mind, but I found two stores today that were already offering 75% off!  These...

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas!

I would like to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas!  Thank you for your continued support, feedback and encouraging words.  I appreciate each and every one of you.  I pray your hearts will be light and  your new year full of peace and joy!  Your blogging, believing,...

Oranges, Cloves and Kids' Crafts... Oh My!

The kids are out of school and the countdown to Christmas has officially begun! All of the hustle and bustle plus the added excitement of the holidays is enough to give even us grown kids a little cabin fever--especially if the weather is inclement.  My kids used to enjoy making these fragrant...

Friday's Find: Pyrex For My Stocking!

"Twas five nights before Christmas, when all through the house,  Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;  The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that Vintage goodies soon would be there; The blogger was nestled all snug in her bed,  While visions of...

A Cup of Christmas Cheer: Make Your Own Herbal Tea Bags!

Greetings Friends! I have been making handmade tea bags with my organic herbs for several years now.  These are especially nice for gifts and are easier to make than you might think!  I start with my dried organic mint and spoon it into press and brew tea bags,...

It's a Wrap........Party!

Last night I attended a wrapping party hosted by my friend Trish. What started as her attempt to prevent gift wrapping from turning into a chore, has now become a favorite holiday tradition.  I thought this was such a fun idea I wanted to share it with you! Guests were invited to come...

The Twelfth Day of Christmas: Grinch Party!

Welcome! Since it is our Twelfth Day, I thought it would be fitting to go out with a party! Recently, I gave my Ginger Grand a Grinch party.  Ever since he was a baby, he has been a fan of the Grinch.  I decided to set it up in the garden and surprised him--he...

The Eleventh Day of Christmas: Thrift Store Whimsy and Vignettes

Welcome friends!  So glad you could drop by on our Eleventh Day!  I am constantly looking for ways to introduce the unexpected in my home including bringing the outdoors inside--like this dress form garden statuary. Let me introduce you to Juliet  She is a beloved thrift store...

The Tenth Day of Christmas: Trees Across Texas Tour

Greetings on our Tenth Day of Christmas! Today's feature is a collaboration of three trees from my home state of Texas.  I am sharing some of our readers' breathtaking decorations.  First,  we travel to Huffman to view Linda's lovely traditional red and gold tree.  Set...

The Ninth Day of Christmas: Fresh Rosemary Wreath

Hello again, I'm so glad you have been stopping by!  The Ninth Day will be a fragrant one--there is nothing like the scent of fresh Rosemary!  I recently made some wreaths with this aromatic herb. Here's how:  First, you will need plenty of fresh Rosemary..  I cut mine and kept...

The Eighth Day of Christmas: Simply Heavenly Fudge

Greetings on this Eighth Day --hope you are staying cozy and warm!  Today I am sharing one of my all time favorite holiday recipes, sure to bring some comfort and joy.  It's easy, delicious and... chocolate! Believe it or not, this fudge is made in the microwave.  It makes a great gift...

The Seventh Day of Christmas: Merry & Bright Winter Tablescape

Greetings on our Seventh Day--today I am sharing a shimmering, Winter inspired tablescape to keep your spirits merry and bright! You may remember my runners from the Fall.   I love layers so I have just topped these with a silvery leaf design.  Most of my mercury glass...

The Sixth Day of Christmas: Vintage Tom and Jerry

TGITF and what would the Twelve Days of Christmas be without a fabulous find? On this Sixth Day, I am happy to oblige with these Vintage Tom and Jerry milk glass eggnog mugs!  I have learned from experience to buy in any season, when the price is right.  Such was the case with...

The Fifth Day of Christmas: Bling Your Bargains!

Welcome to our Fifth Day! I bet you have been busy decking your halls! I found some great bargains on decorations this year at stores like Michaels, Big Lots, and Target.  I love the challenge of giving an ordinary item extra personality by combining it with a thrifted find or adding a...

The Fourth Day of Christmas: Christmas in the Garden

Hi Friends! Our Fourth Day begins in the garden. Whether you have a small patio or a huge yard, your great outdoors is the introduction to your home.  You can offer guests a warm welcome without spending big bucks. Today I am sharing some of my Black Friday deals,...

The Third Day of Christmas: DIY Ornament Chandelier

Fa, la, la, la, la Friends! It's our Third Day and I'm glad you are here! Looking for a simple, thrifty way to add instant cheer to your Christmas decor?  All you need is ribbon, ornaments and about thirty minutes to transform your chandelier from ordinary to merry and bright!...

The Second Day of Christmas: Simplify Your Holiday Decorating!

Greetings Friends! At this time of year, it is easy to get distracted by all of the trimmings and trappings of the season.  All you have to do is walk through any ornately decorated store to come to the conclusion that your decorations may pale in comparison.  Here's my two cents--don't...

The First Day of Christmas: DIY Flocked Christmas Tree

I'm excited to share the first of my Twelve Days of Christmas feature.  My hope is that these posts will help you get your jingle on and that you will have as much fun as I did--creating lovely holiday decorations and unique gifts while also saving money! So check back each day...

The Twelve Days of Christmas!

I absolutely adore Christmas! I believe in the Reason for the Season, I love decorating and the emotion that washes over me when I hear Christmas music.  When I saw this t-shirt on Pinterest I had to laugh because I immediately thought, "Yep, that's me!" I realize not everyone shares my warm...