Friday's Find: Shutter Love

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! Today's feature is this rustic Vintage shutter from my favorite haunt.  I love the challenge of repurposing thrift store treasures.  My mind is already spinning and I have a pretty good idea how to best put this single shutter to use! ...

May Flowers: Low Maintenance Roses

Happy Wednesday! Today is the last of my May flowers series and I am sharing a beloved Southern favorite: roses. I have over 20 rose bushes in my garden--can you tell I adore them? I think there is a misconception that they are fussy plants but the varieties I have are actually pretty low maintenance....

Simple Pleasures To Enjoy At Home!

Greetings Friends and Happy Memorial Day weekend! These days it seems like the emphasis on Memorial Day is where to go for what sale.  Now you know how I love a good sale, but in our fast paced society of instant gratification, it can be easy to lose sight of the true significance...

Friday's Find: Vintage Hazel Atlas Creamer

Hello Friends! So glad you stopped by for another thrifty Friday! Today's fabulous find is from my recent trip to Denver when I went to see Dear Firstborn graduate with honors AND be honored as Outstanding Graduate in Art History! Pardon me while I brag a little--I am just so proud of her!  After...

May Flowers: Fragrant Honeysuckle

Happy Wednesday Friends! Today's May Flower is actually a blooming vine: fragrant Honeysuckle.  It has to be one of my all time favorites and on Spring mornings, you can find me standing by my garden gate deeply inhaling its intoxicating aroma. Honeysuckle also makes a great privacy plant...

Three Different Uses For Cosco Carts

Greetings Friends! A few weeks ago, I shared my Vintage Cosco cart makeover.  As promised, today I am showing three different ways I use these functional little carts.  All three were thrift store finds--yay!  Some just required more TLC than others.  First, my kitchen...

Friday's Find: Silver Bunnies

Greetings Friends--glad you are here on thrifty Friday! As a gardener, I am often drawn to birds and bunnies, as you may have guessed from The Bunny Chronicles. When I first saw this precious pair at an estate sale, they weren't priced and I feared might be for display only.  Even so,...

May Flowers: Vibrant Blue Sage

Happy Wednesday Friends! While we didn't have much in the way of April showers in my area, I would still like to share some of my favorite May flowers this month. First in the series is today's feature, Blue Sage.  Its vibrant blue spiked bloom creates a showy display and has brought more...

Black Bean Taco Salad

Happy Mother's Day! Hopefully you are being treated to lunch today but here's an easy, healthy meal for another day.  When the weather is warm, I am partial to salads.  This tasty recipe is a guilt free way to satisfy taco cravings without skimping on flavor. Substituting nutritious black...

Friday's Find: Lovely Vintage Tablecloth

Hello, I'm so glad you stopped by today on thrifty Friday! It's no secret that I love Vintage linens of all varieties. I found this divine little table cloth at an estate sale. Since I change up my kitchen table often and didn't have any cloths in these colors, I snatched it up in...

The Bunny Chronicles Volume 2

Happy Wednesday Friends! When nearly six weeks passed without any Foo Foo sightings, I must confess I was a little concerned he may have gone to Bunny Heaven, but I am happy to report he is alive and well and... has a sibling!  ...

Vintage Cosco Cart Makeover

Hello, so glad you dropped by today! Have you noticed these Vintage carts at antique shops? When Youngest Daughter recently moved, I inherited the one she found at a thrift store and used on her patio. As you can see, it was pretty grimy when I got my hands on it but it just needed some tender loving...

Friday's Find: Little Coral Dress

Hello Friends! It's another thrifty Friday and I am really excited about today's fabulous find.  One of my friends and I were just discussing coral as a trend for Spring fashion.  It also happens to be a good color with my blue eyes and fair skinned complexion.  So I was delighted...