October Show and Tell: Your Turn to Shine!

Greetings Friends! Show and Tell is a chance for me to brag on you-- my thrifty and creative readersIf you have not had the chance to participate yet, it is not too late.  Simply email or post a picture of your most recent thrift find, DIY project or makeover to be featured in a future post.

Stacy found this weathered wooden arch for only $5. Take a look at the Before:

Upcycled wooded arch
Stacy scored this great architectural find for $5 at a neighborhood yard sale...

After sanding, she used Varathane stain and poly in the Kona shade.  This is a great example of how some tender loving care can make a piece pop--wow! 

Upcycled yard sale arch
Look at the transformation after she sanded and re-stained--impressive!

Alma inherited this French Provincial piece but it was yellowed and dated prior to her inspired upcycle. She used Valspar "Pretty in Pink" satin, added fresh striped wallpaper and painted the trim and drawer handle classic white to transform what was previously drab to a vision of loveliness!

Upcycled Provincial night stand
Alma's finished result is Pretty in Pink!

I gave my latest find a drybrushed, creamy white makeover to compliment the rest of my decor.  I am loving its dramatic contrast against my luxe turquoise wall--never underestimate the power of a little paint!

My Thrift Store Addiction signature
I am over the moon for my made over  mirror!

Remember to share your latest finds and inspired designs for future posts!

My Thrift Store Addiction signature

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