Vintage Baskets and Bottles: Fabulous Find 410

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! While my local thrift stores have been slim pickings lately, I have been to some great estate sales. Today I'm sharing my latest fabulous find: vintage baskets and bottles which are both decorating staples at my house

estate sale baskets and bottles

Now who doesn't love an old picnic basket--am I right?!

estate sale baskets and bottles

You can see the store it is from on the lid: Rose's Country Stores. Anybody shopped there before?

estate sale baskets and bottles

This type of basket is so handy for pretty storage... 

estate sale baskets and bottles

...and lined market baskets are super versatile!

estate sale baskets and bottles

I will probably use these wire baskets in the garden. 

estate sale baskets and bottles

Here's another peek at the small bottles from the first photo. I dug them out of a dirty tub in the garage at the sale and they look quite old.

estate sale bottles and baskets

Last but not least, these caught my eye because they are just right for forcing winter bulbs!

estate sale baskets and bottles

My Thrift Store Addiction

estate sale baskets and bottles

Until next time, happy hunting! 
My Thrift Store Addiction signature

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