Drought Tolerant May Flowers from my Texas Garden

Happy Monday, Friends! Although we have barely had any rain the last few months, I'm grateful for several recent April showers that have indeed brought May flowers. Take a virtual stroll with me to check out the first blooms from my spring garden...

May blooms in Texas

It won't be long before the honeysuckle blooms on this topiary near my back door. The nest remained intact after last year's cardinal babies hatched and took flight! 

May blooms in Texas

The yellow knock-out roses and honeysuckle in the back garden are beginning to bloom. 

May flowers Texas

Here's a closer peek at the lovely blooms!

May flowers Texas

Lamb's ear, honeysuckle, and blooming thyme as well as the other flowers featured today are drought-hardy plants that stay green most of the year in my climate. 

May flowers Texas

I shared a preview of these pink knock-out roses on Instagram for Easter Sunday. 

May flowers Texas

Here's a closer peek...

May flowers Texas

I look forward to more profuse blooms through the spring and summer months!

May flowers Texas

May blooms from my Texas garden

I adore the vibrant indigo shade of this delicate climbing clematis.

May blooms from my Texas garden

Clusters of these wild Huisache daisies have sprouted around the garden this year. 

May garden in Texas

Aromatic lemon balm is thriving! 

May garden in Texas

My Thrift Store Addiction

May flowers Texas

My Thrift Store Addiction signature

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  1. Gorgeous photos Cecelia...and I'm so jealous. Our weather like much of the upper third of the US has been cold and dismal. I barely have leaves coming on my roses, and even tulips have just begun to bud. Surely you gave me hope, Spring MAY come ...sooner or later. Sandi

  2. Wonderful rewards in the garden, Cecilia. I know you must feel a sense of relief knowing that storm damage is in the rear view mirror and plants are recovered!


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