Friday's Find: Royal Tudor Ware & Announcing Vintage Charm!

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! Can it really be October already?! The holidays will be here before we know it and today's fab find is perfect for serving dessert and coffee... 

Vintage Royal Tudor Ware
Speaking of celebrating, I want to share exciting news and you are invited! Stay tuned for more info about the Vintage Charm link up at the close of the post.   

Vintage Charm party

Back to today's find...
It is always a pleasure to discover a pattern I haven't seen before especially when it also happens to be a bargain! 

Vintage Royal Tudor Ware

I adore the detail in this charming Coaching Taverns 1828 pattern by Royal Tudor Ware.  In addition to four cups and saucers, this set includes four dessert (or salad) plates and  

Royal Tudor Ware Dishes

it SOLD!

Royal Tudor Ware

Beginning Thursday, October 15 I will be joining these lovely ladies as a hostess for a new link up party, Vintage Charm.  I am so excited to be working with this talented group of bloggers! There is sure to be oodles of vintage goodness shared, so mark your calendars to p-a-r-t-y! I'll keep the button on my sidebar and post reminders too. 

Vintage Charm hostesses

Until next time, happy hunting! 

Party link

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  1. Your new link up sounds like fun. I will be on the look out! :) Happy Friday!

  2. I have not seen this pattern before ... really pretty though. What a sweet set for dessert and coffee or tea. Looking forward to your Vintage Charm party.
    Audrey Z.

  3. This is new pattern for me and it would be perfecto fall! I'll keep an eye for your new link up!!!

  4. How exciting...the link up! Don't you just love sharing through these parties! And what beautiful dishes...I've never seen the pattern and the color is perfect for all!! LOVE these!!!

  5. Great find Cecilia! I have never seen that pattern before either. Congrats on the new party. I'll be sharing some of my new finds. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  6. Love your new dishes, Cecilia. Looking forward to partying together :)

  7. Love the dishes! I don't have any brown, but maybe now I'll be on the lookout! Can't wait to co-host, I know it will be fun!

  8. Pretty dish set! OOH, can't wait for the link up!!


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