Simple Spring China Cabinet Styling

Happy Monday, Friends! Today I'm sharing the simple refresh of the china cabinet in my dining room. Although I walk by it daily, I hadn't realized it had gradually become cluttered...until I was styling a spring tablescape to welcome the new season and realized the cabinet needed attention

China cabinet styling

To tell the truth, this isn't the first and I'm sure it won't be the last project that resulted from me "seeing" a space through the lens of my camera--can you relate? I don't know about you but when something in my focus detracts from the current project, it's time to declutter! Now at first, I started rearranging here and there before I realized I needed to remove everything from each of the three shelves. I was so preoccupied that I neglected my usual before photo, but below you can see everything leftover which speaks volumes!

China cabinet styling

I placed everything on top of my buffet to give me a visual reminder of where I might store the excess pieces, a little here and there. To clarify, none of the items pictured above were returned to the cabinet--everything was given a new home elsewhere. For the best results, I highly recommend removing everything--think of it as Marie Kondo-ing your shelves. 

China cabinet styling

Above you can see the completed results. Notice that I arranged favorite groupings and collections to create pretty focal points. 

China cabinet styling

I utilized corner space by displaying pieces at an angle and using plate stands or easels to vary heights. 

China cabinet styling

China cabinet styling

Seasonal accents like my white rabbit add a touch of whimsy. 

China cabinet styling

After arranging collections and center displays...

China cabinet styling

...I styled a few vignettes to highlight smaller pieces. 

China cabinet styling

I love displaying dried flowers in vintage vessels to add natural beauty! 

China cabinet styling

My Thrift Store Addiction

China cabinet styling
My Thrift Store Addiction signature

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