Friday's Find: Hankie Heaven!

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! I cannot resist a dainty vintage hankie and every so often I discover a treasure trove of these lovelies. Today I'm sharing my finds and how I use them in my home...

Vintage hankies
I was empty handed and literally walking toward the door to leave an estate sale when I spied this fabulous stack of hankies!  A few will go in my Etsy shop--like this festive Christmas one.  SOLD!

Vintage hankies

I love the thoughtful message on this gift hankie! 

Vintage hankies


Vintage hankie

Last summer, I featured several hankies from my collection on my vintage garden mantel

Vintage hankie home decor

I assembled this bunting banner from my thrifted finds as a window treatment for my kitchen. 

Vintage hankie bunting

I simply folded them into triangles twice, pressed...

Vintage hankie bunting tutorial

... and hand stitched them together at the corners, adding rick rack and lace at each end for hanging.

Vintage hankie bunting

Here's an even simpler alternative! In my bathroom, I hung three hankies by clip on hooks to form a valance. 

Vintage hankie window valance

I would love to hear how you use vintage hankies in your home! 

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  1. Such sweet hankies! I have a small collection of them and your ideas for displaying are inspiring!

  2. My Mom loved hankies and I still have a few of hers, but do not use them to decorate with. You have some very creative ideas for displaying. Maybe I should find a place to display mine.
    Enjoy the week-end.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  3. I had a friend who used a lot to make a quilt! She also sewed some together to make a small side table cover. I have seen people make lampshade covers with them.

  4. I love your decorating ideas with the hankies. The bunting and valance are especially pretty!

  5. I love how you used your hankies! I don't even own one. I guess I should be on the look out because you have used them in such a darling way. Hugs, Jo

  6. Love all of your ideas, especially the valance. I have piles of vintage hankies waiting to be transformed. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

  7. Beautiful, one and all. I do not have vintage hankies, but I do have a collection of crocheted pot holders and I recently made a banner to display them. I may have to start collecting hankies now!

  8. What wonderful ideas for using and enjoying them. I have a small collection and love them! Hugs, Diane

  9. Lovely hankies, my friend. I love your sweet ideas and have often thought about making some curtains for my craft room {I just havne't gotten around to it}. I would also like to make an apron with hankies....hopefully some day it will happen :)

    Thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Hugs!

  10. What pretty hankies. Reminds me of my great grandmother. She always had a pretty hankie in her apron pocket.

  11. I love vintage hankies and you sure have used them in some great ways Cecilia! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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