Homemade Healthier Dark Chocolate Mousse

Happy Monday, Friends! Today I'm sharing my latest homemade healthier dessert: decadently delicious dark chocolate mousse that you can whip up in minutes--no baking required! That's right, you won't need to heat up the kitchen and you only need several ingredients to indulge in this rich dessert 

homemade healthier chocolate mousse

Since more than half of my meals are primarily plant-based, I'm always looking for ways to add extra protein to my diet. Would you believe this tasty treat also has 23 grams of protein per serving? Honestly, and I'm not talking about sneaking in protein powder! The combination of ricotta and cottage cheese gives this dessert its rich creamy texture plus an added boost of protein. Blending it with melted dark chocolate will satisfy your sweet cravings. Ready to make your own?

Here's what you'll need: 

1 cup ricotta cheese (20 g protein)
1 cup cottage cheese (26 g protein)
1 cup melted dark chocolate chips 

Optional: "Lazy" whipped cream topping:
1/4 cup sour cream
1 tablespoon maple syrup or agave nectar 

Start by melting 1 cup of dark chocolate chips. (I use Hershey's Special Dark.) Next, add the ricotta and cottage cheese and blend the three ingredients in a food processor until creamy. 

homemade healthier chocolate mousse

Last, spoon into desired serving dishes and if desired, top with "lazy" whipped cream, and chill before serving. To quote a proverb: Necessity is the mother of invention, and the first time I made this dessert, I really wanted to top it with whipped cream but since I only had sour cream on hand, I improvised. It may sound weird, but if you combine 1/4 cup sour cream and 1 tablespoon of maple syrup or agave nectar, it makes the perfect cream dollops for this dark chocolate mousse--no whipping needed!

Servings: 3-4 teacups or ramekins / 2 generous goblets 😉

Homemade healthier chocolate mousse

My Thrift Store Addiction

Homemade healthier chocolate mousse

My Thrift Store Addiction signature

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  1. So very different Cecilia. A healthy version of chocolate mousse. Thanks for sharing at Love Your Creativity,


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