Hi there, Friends! If you are one of my email subscribers, thank you and I appreciate you so much. Unfortunately, despite the consent that you've given me to send you my latest blog posts by email, there is yet another new regulation. Instead of jumping through more hoops, today I'm sharing a few alternatives

First, let me clarify that I'm not ready to say goodbye to blogging. However, since twice as many readers follow me on Instagram in comparison to email subscribers, it simply isn't feasible--or thrifty 😉-- for me to lose money in order to comply with additional requirements that could once again change at any time.
Although I regret not being able to continue to offer you the convenience of having blog posts delivered directly to your inbox as of February 1, it would mean so much to me if we can still keep in touch and I have a few suggestions. Thank you in advance for considering one of the following options to continue reading my blog posts.
Bookmark my blog on your internet browser
If you prefer reading blog posts on your laptop or tablet, this is probably the easiest option. Be sure to bookmark My Thrift Store Addiction rather than a specific blog post--that way you'll see the most recent post first anytime you click on your bookmark. (The pink arrow points to the bookmark star in the browser.)

Follow me on Instagram
If you already follow me on Instagram, you know that I feature photos from my blog posts. If you go to my profile page, you can click on the link to My Thrift Store Addiction which will take you to the latest blog post.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

Hi Cecilia, I do follow your blog, but I use a blog reader, Feedly. I used to use Bloglovin. Blog readers are a great way to keep getting your posts. I'm glad you are not going to stop blogging as I enjoy your posts, and I don't do Instagram. For some reason, the blog is not allowing me to use my gmail account to comment. Carole at FromMyCarolinaHome.com
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy your blog and look forward to your Monday emails. I’ll keep manually checking your blog for updates and new info. Your blog is one of my favorites. I also follow you on Instagram and will check in on there as well.
ReplyDeleteUgh, I hate that this constraint is upon you, Cecilia. If you're using Mailchimp, I think I understand. I'm not on IG, but I will remember your posts come on Wed and Fri, typically, so I will stay as connected as possible.
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog through Feedly. I use the free version. It updates & lets me know every time you add a new post. I've followed you this way for years. I like it better than email because I enjoy following a lot of blogs. This way my email is not filled up with all the extra emails from them. I bookmark Feedly & go there in my browser. Then go through the new posts.
ReplyDeleteUgh...these hoops are really getting to be too much, I agree. Believe it or not, I follow you on Google Friend Connect. It's old but it still works!