Easy Tips to Elevate Holiday Entertaining

Happy Monday, Friends! Can you believe Thanksgiving is next week? As promised, today I'm sharing some simple tips that will make your holiday dishes look fancy without fussing, from an easier way to make charcuterie roses to baking artisan crisps from an unexpected ingredient

easy tips for holiday entertaining

Think outside the wrap...

When you think of crackers or crisps, won ton wraps probably don't come to mind. However, the unexpected ingredient can be used to create handmade artisan crisps that are delicious and beautiful! (Find edible floral garnish, here!)

easy tips for holiday entertaining

...or board!

Charcuterie-inspired appetizers provide endless possibilities for serving. I hope this Christmas Tree Tray will inspire you--what's waiting in your cabinet that will create a unique presentation? (Find tree-shaped trays, here!)

easy tips for holiday entertaining

Ditch the toothpicks and shop your garden instead! 

Why use plain Jane toothpicks when you can secure and garnish caprese on a stick (pictured above) and charcuterie roses with  fragrant rosemary sprigs?

easy tips for holiday entertaining

Here's a closer look at how I created my roses by folding and then rolling 4-6 slices of salami as opposed to 10-12 suggested in the wine glass method. (No wine glass needed!)

easy tips for holiday entertaining

Repurpose cookie cutters!

From the artisan crisps in the first photo to festive no-fuss holiday appetizers...

easy tips for holiday entertaining

...and whimsical chocolate-filled puff pastry, cookie cutters are so versatile!

easy tips for holiday entertaining

Hooray for Hummus!

If you haven't already tried making your own hummus, you're missing out! All you need is a food processor, canned beans, olive oil, and herbs. It is so flavorful--I've tried everything from a basic chickpea variety to black beans with cilantro and pumpkin hummus, pictured below. 

holiday charcuterie ideas
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My Thrift Store Addiction

easy tips for holiday charcuterie

What's your favorite go-to tip for holiday entertaining? 



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  1. All looks yummy and pretty, too! I think I'll try making won ton cracker this Christmas! xo Kathleen

  2. this all looks so lovely and quite appetizing i have to say. Love your salami roses. I am not a fan of salami myself, but my husband and son would love it...........lol Love the Christmas tree basket full of savories as well. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Blessings, Nellie

  3. Lovely tips Cecilia. Love the charcuterie roses. Pretty and yum my crackers too. I am happy to feature your post at Love Your Creativity.

  4. Those are all fabulous ideas Cecilia! Thanks for the actual how-to for the rolled salami roses! And such a great idea to secure them with rosemary. They're pieces of art all by themselves! I'm definitely going to try some of these!


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