Garden Must Haves for Maintenance and Relaxation

Happy Monday, Friends! Look at the beautiful visitor who landed in my garden this week! I hope you're having a lovely summer. Today I'm sharing some of my go-to must haves for low maintenance gardening and relaxation

low maintenance gardens

Since Prime Day starts tomorrow, I've included pink links for each item so you can grab bargain prices!

low maintenance gardens

low maintenance gardens

This post contains pink affiliate links for suggested content. See full disclosure here.

low maintenance gardens

TIP: If you click on the link above, it includes several videos.

low maintenance gardens

low maintenance gardens

After your hard work, be sure to take time to relax!

low maintenance gardens

low maintenance gardens

Don't forget to bring a good book to read while you relax!

When the Glass Slipper Shatters by Cecilia Lynne

PEACE by Cecilia Lynne

My Thrift Store Addiction

garden must haves

My Thrift Store Addiction signature

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  1. I love the macrame chair and that pillow you have on it. Charming!!

  2. Love the boho swing Cecilia, and I'd say that is a nice visitor to have in your garden. ;)

  3. Cecilia, visiting after the prime days (catching up with link from Vintage Charm), but nonetheless really good options for both garden maintenance and relaxation! I found a great pair of loppers at a recent estate sale that were like new, so I was very excited about those. That Ryobi power washer intrigues me because it looks portable enough for small maintenance jobs (now that my big jobs are completed), plus we have other Ryobi interchangeable tools/batteries. Great post!


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