Chocolate Chip Banana Oatmeal Pancakes

Happy Monday, Friends! Today I'm sharing a chocolate chip banana oatmeal pancake recipe using homemade oat flour. They're nutritious, filling, and will satisfy your craving for sweets...Here's what you'll need: 2 cups oatmeal 1 tsp baking powder1 tsp cinnamon2 mashed bananas1 tsp vanilla1...

Target and Michael's Scores: Friday's Find #377

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! When I made the 60+ mile drive to Trader Joe's last month, I also stopped by Michael's and Target. Today I'm sharing several bargains I scored at both stores, starting with these mini faux plants...

Vintage Charm Party #338

Welcome to Vintage Charm Party #338! We invite you to share your vintage experiences--whether it’s your latest finds, crafts, or DIYs, we’d love to hear about it. Link up your furniture flips, roadside finds, repurposed projects, collections, home decor and more...

80th Birthday Celebration for Mom and Jeff

Happy Monday, Friends! Last month, we celebrated my mother and stepfather's 80th birthdays! It was a sweet time of reconnecting with family--most I hadn't seen since before the pandemic. Today I'm sharing highlights from the celebratory weekend...

Easy Clearance Wreath Upcycle

Happy Thursday, Friends! As promised, today I'm sharing a spring-to-summer wreath upcycle crafted from 75% off Easter decor for this month's Creative Craft Blog Hop hosted by Donna from Modern on Monticello...

Vintage Charm Party #337

Welcome to Vintage Charm Party #337! We invite you to share your vintage experiences--whether it’s your latest finds, crafts, or DIYs, we’d love to hear about it. Link up your furniture flips, roadside finds, repurposed projects, collections, home decor and more...

15 Minute Repurposed Egg Cup Bouquets

Happy Monday, Friends! I have always been drawn to pretty egg cups and y'all know I love flowers. For today's 15 minute fix--which can actually be arranged in about 5--I'll show you how I repurposed my latest lovely finds to create beautiful mini bouquets...

Garden Inspired Feature Friday

Happy Friday, Friends! The lovely features that caught my eye this week all are garden inspired in one way or another! Enjoy, and remember to pin from the original source...

Vintage Charm Party #336

Welcome to Vintage Charm Party #336! We invite you to share your vintage experiences--whether it’s your latest finds, crafts, or DIYs, we’d love to hear about it. Link up your furniture flips, roadside finds, repurposed projects, collections, home decor and more...

Savory or Sweet Puff Pastry Croissants

Happy Monday, Friends! I have recently discovered how easy it is to whip up delicious homemade croissants using puff pastry. Today I'm sharing a few favorites so you can choose savory, sweet, or both...

Easter Clearance Part 2: Friday's Find #376

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! As promised, today I'm sharing the rest of the Easter clearance I scored 75% off at Hobby Lobby. Again, I shopped with an eye for goodies that can be used for more than one season like these pretty green glass egg cups...

Vintage Charm #335 and April Feature of the Month

Welcome to Vintage Charm Party #335 and the April Feature of the Month! We invite you to share your vintage experiences--whether it’s your latest finds, crafts, or DIYs, we’d love to hear about it. Link up your furniture flips, roadside finds, repurposed projects, collections, home decor and...

Drought Tolerant May Flowers from my Texas Garden

Happy Monday, Friends! Although we have barely had any rain the last few months, I'm grateful for several recent April showers that have indeed brought May flowers. Take a virtual stroll with me to check out the first blooms from my spring garden...