Amber Bottles and Vintage Demijohn: Friday's Find #341

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! Last weekend during my daily walk, I noticed that one of my neighbors was having a yard sale. After I finished my usual route, I popped back to my house for my face mask and cash and headed back to the sale...

vintage yard sale finds

It had been ages since I ventured to a yard sale, but I was pleased to see that the items were lined up on the driveway instead of being stuffed in a crowded garage. A person was leaving as I walked up, and I was the only one browsing. I noticed the trio of amber bottles right away. 

vintage yard sale finds

Then, I spotted the demijohn--something I have never come across at thrift stores. I grabbed it for $2! When I got home, I  stayed outside and washed all the bottles thoroughly. I allowed them to air dry in the sunshine for several hours. As you can see, I couldn't wait to fill them with flowers. Stay tuned to see how I use them soon! 

vintage yard sale finds

Until next time, stay healthy and safe!

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  1. Ohmygosh, what a score!! You know I love those demijohns, and they're great for fall use especially. Lucky you!

  2. Great score!! They look very pretty with the flowers.

  3. Cecilia great score especially the demijohn.

    Have a great weekend!


  4. Love the demijohn! I like amber glass for fall. BUT, when I saw them, I immediately thought funky Halloween bottles with "poison" or funky labels--they'll come off easily. I made some dollhouse ones using green glow-in-the dark spiderwebs to look like "smoke". Wire keeps it upright in larger bottles!


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