Spring Dollar Store Scores: Fabulous Find 403

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! Spring has officially arrived and today I'm sharing a few dollar store scores to welcome the season. Check out my latest finds, including botanical-inspired craft supplies and goodies for the garden

spring dollar store scores

For those of you who are eagerly awaiting spring weather, here's what I've been up to after a mild winter/early spring!

spring dollar store scores

Fortunately, the weather has been beautiful and anticipating these lovelies makes weeding a little easier!

spring dollar store scores

It's also why I grab Dollar Tree seeds as soon as they make an appearance--before they are all gone! 

spring dollar scores

Stay tuned to see future projects crafted with these pretty botanical decals and adhesive paper! Oh, and I spent less than $5 for everything. Cha-ching! 😉

spring dollar store scores
My Thrift Store Addiction

spring dollar store scores

Until next time, happy hunting! 
My Thrift Store Addiction signature

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  1. I, too, love Dollar Tree seeds--but I have finally learned to only buy flowers that I know I can grow--marigolds, morning glories, and zinnias. And I've had good luck with the herbs and veggies, too. Especially for a small garden, the small amount of seeds is great. Somewhere along the line, I learned to soak the morning glory seeds overnite, then score the hard shell with a knife to help them germinate more quickly; works for me. AND, if I'm careful opening the packets, they make a cheerful garland afterwards!

  2. Your flowers are gorgeous! I can see why you snap up those seed packets so quickly. I have never had luck growing anything from seed.

  3. I planted Dollar Tree gladiola bulbs last year. They did not disappoint!


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