15 Minute Emoji Tic-Tac-Toe Game

Happy Monday, Friends! Today I'm sharing a fun 15 minute project that you can craft with little ones. Inspired by Ginger Grand's love for emojis, I created a fresh spin on the classic game before he arrived and then let him make his own during his annual summer visit. He loved coming up with different emojis. It would also make a great gift or travel game. What kid--or adult for that matter--doesn't love emojis? 

emoji tic tac toe game

Before we get into the project, I want to share an update on my bathroom. Originally I planned to share the full bathroom reveal today. However, when I began taking photographs I hit a little bump. I realized that I wanted to add just one more thing to complete my reveal. Of course I'm sure you won't be surprised that it involves another DIY project which is the reason for the delay, but it's coming soon! Okay, back to today's project--remember these thrifted wooden discs I found a few weeks ago? For some reason when I saw them I instantly thought of tic-tac-toe. I hadn't seen an emoji version before and I knew Ginger Grand would love it. 

15 minute emoji tic-tac-toe game

Here's what you'll need to craft your own emoji tic-tac-toe game: 
{I've included links for suggested supplies at the bottom of the post.} 

Wood discs
Craft paint--yellow plus one other color
Tray/chalkboard* optional

Start by painting the wood discs with two different colors of craft paint--one color for the emojis and one for the Xs. Though I didn't think to get a separate photo of the painted discs, you can see the plain ones at the edge of the photo. Next, use Sharpies to give your emojis faces and add Xs to the others. {I used a stencil for my Xs after hand drawing the emoji faces. }

emoji tic tac toe game
This post contains affiliate links for suggested supplies. See full disclosure here.

You can see Ginger Grand was very creative with his emojis. The first one is Throw-Up, followed by Mummy--little boys! Silas and Tahtee (me) are in the middle spaces which he labeled with a tiny S and T under the smiles. The one in the right bottom corner is Monster. We used a chalkboard tray I already had to draw the tic-tac-toe lines. We made our game on a rainy day, but indoor games are also a great way to beat the summer heat. We spent hours each day of his visit playing our favorites. I've included links for our go-to games with the craft supplies, below. 

emoji tic tac toe game

My Thrift Store Addiction

emoji tic tac toe game

My Thrift Store Addiction signature

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  1. That is way too cute! I bet he had just as much fun making them as he did playing. :)

  2. Oh my gosh, I literally was going to comment "this is way too cute" just as Cecilia did above. I guess that means it must be so!!

  3. Kids never tire of tic tac toe lol...this is such a cute version

  4. I love the Mummy and the throw-up; it never ceases to amaze me how little boys' minds work!! I've found already painted wooden shapes that would work for holiday versions if I'd thought of using them for Tic-Tac-Toe! It's sad to be craftsy but not artsy!!!

  5. Aww, such a fun game for "our boy." You are a fun grandma Cecilia! It's a boy thing to draw "throw up" and "monster." Heehee.


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