Good day--a few yard sales, an estate sale and a thrift store visit and I found everything in this photo! Red tray, Vintage hankie, 3 silver pieces AND a Vintage Julia Child cookbook all for less than $20. Happy girl :) Today was a good lesson in taking a second look. I was literally standing in line at the estate sale to purchase only the hankie when I saw the cookbook across the room. I oh-so- nonchalantly rushed over to grab it, thinking it must be a later edition. The cover is spotless and like many of the vintage ware I find doesn't appear to have ever been used!

I discovered that though there was a later reprint, this is the 1968 version referred to in the movie, "Julie & Julia". I love it! Have I mentioned I have a Vintage kitchen?! In contrast to the mint condition of the cookbook, the silver pieces I found have my favorite lovely worn patina and were $2 each. Now these I found as I was leaving a yard sale, and just happened to see an area behind a gate I had missed. Never hurts to take a second glace...!

Until next time, happy hunting!