Washington Mementos: Fabulous Find 404

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! Do you shop thrift stores when you travel? Since the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, Favorite Son took me to his local thrifty haunts as well as Pike Place Market where he bought me this beautiful handmade daisy necklace after he noticed me admiring it

Washington mementos

I will treasure this preserved flower jewelry and I know many of you will share my appreciation for the story behind the art.

Washington mementos

It's always a pleasure to go thrifting with my grown kids. I found these pretty little earrings...

Washington mementos

...and Favorite Son scored the bargain of the day--this Milwaukee magnetic rechargeable light goes for $70 on Amazon and he scored two of them still packaged for $7.99 each! 
thrift store bargains

For my gardening friends, I brought home a tulip catalog from the festival I shared earlier this week.

Washington mementos

Last but not least, we saw these playful otters at the Seattle Aquarium and I sent this postcard memento to Ginger Grand!

mementos from my trip to Washington

Stay tuned--highlights of Chihuly Garden and Snoqualmie Falls coming soon! 

My Thrift Store Addiction

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  1. Cecilia,
    You were able to score some great pieces!! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words in regards to Joe's passing...It is gratefully appreciated....I hope you have a great weekend!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  2. Looks like you had a great time! Love the necklace! xo Kathleen

  3. Sounds like you had a lovely time. Your son has your thrifting genes! When couples go by my booth, I sometimes tell the husbands to notice what their wives are loving/coveting/appreciating and double back to get it when she's not looking to give her for an occasion!


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