12 Readers' Favorites from 2018

Happy New Year's Eve, Friends! I like to begin the new year with a look back, so today I'm sharing the most popular posts from the 2018... ...

Avon Pfaltzgraff: Friday's Find #279

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! I hope you enjoyed a wonderful Christmas! For the last Friday's Find of the year, I scored a set of vintage Avon Pfaltzgraff canisters featuring charming country farm scenery...  ...

A Savior is Born ~ Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Eve, Friends! I want to wish you all a blessed holiday and let you know how much I appreciate each and every one of you!  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. Luke 2: 11 ...

Friday's Find #278

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! Can you believe Christmas is almost here? I have just a few fabulous finds to share from this busy week before the holiday. First, this sweet little handmade apron... ...

The Christmas Edition Vintage Charm Party #163 with Extended Dates

Welcome to the Christmas Edition Vintage Charm Party #163! Since this will be the last party of the year, we're extending the party date, so you can link up through Sunday, December 30! The party will resume on January 9! Merry Christmas! We invite you to share your vintage experiences--whether...

Congratulations to My Girl!

Happy Monday, Friends! It's been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. While I can't take credit for this one, I found the image of Dear Firstborn taking in the expansive mountain view quite symbolic of what lies ahead for her. I'm so proud to congratulate My Girl...  ...

Beautiful Nutcracker Ballet Inspired Decor... A Merry Musical Christmas Blog Hop

Welcome Friends! Welcome to the Merry Musical Christmas Blog Hop! Are you enjoying the holidays? I've been busy decorating and celebrating and haven't made my usual thrift store trips, but Friday's Find will resume shortly. I'm always surprised by how quickly the season passes,...

15 Minute Vintage Christmas Centerpiece: Thrift Store Challenge

Happy Thursday, Friends! This week I'm joining a new group of blogger friends to participate in a thrift store challenge. Today I'll show you how to create a quick and easy vintage Christmas centerpiece by pairing thrift store finds with items already on hand.  ...

Vintage Charm Party #162

Welcome to Vintage Charm Party #162! We invite you to share your vintage experiences--whether it’s your latest finds, crafts, or DIYs, we’d love to hear about it. Link up your furniture flips, roadside finds, repurposed projects, collections, home decor and more! ...

Keeping Family Traditions Ma-Maw's Christmas Cookie Recipe

Happy Monday, Friends! During the Christmas Porch Tours last week, I had several requests to share my grandmother's Christmas cookie recipe. So, here it is--enjoy!  ...

Osborne Hand Painted Porcelain Miniature Shoe: Friday's Find #278

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! How has your week been going? Are you ready for this week's fabulous finds? I was instantly drawn to this sweet miniature shoe... ...

Vintage Charm Party #161 and November Feature of the Month

Welcome to Vintage Charm Party #161 and the November Feature of the Month! We invite you to share your vintage experiences--whether it’s your latest finds, crafts, or DIYs, we’d love to hear about it. Link up your furniture flips, roadside finds, repurposed projects, collections,...

30 Christmas Porches: Festive Outdoor Spaces

Happy Monday, Friends! I hope you're ready to start your week inspired because today I'm sharing ideas from two Christmas porch tours--that's right another two-fer, which means you'll get twice the inspiration from over 30 bloggers combined...  ...