15 Minute Dollar Store Decal Canvas Art Upcycle

Happy Wednesday, Friends! Are you ready for the latest 15 minute fix? I'm sure you won't be surprised that today's simple project pairs two of my favorites: a thrift store reject and a dollar store decal....

15 minute thrift store canvas upcycle

Y'all know I love me some dollar store crafts and the possibilities are endless with these thrifty wall decals. I used one to create this charming Home Sweet Home sign...

15 minute dollar store decal sign

...and another to upcycle a vintage plate.

dollar store decal upcycle

It makes my day when I receive a comment from a reader who was inspired to try a new project after reading my blog. Likewise, I want to give a shout out to Katrin from Kreativ K as it was her lovely reversed canvas art that inspired me to hunt the thrift stores until I found a canvas for my own version. It took awhile but I finally found one for $1 and thanks to Katrin, I saw potential under the layers of paint! 

15 minute thrift store canvas upcycle

Ready to make one? You'll need a canvas that's in good condition--used is fine, but be sure to check the view from the back. Select a decal that will fit inside nicely. 

15 minute thrift store canvas upcycle

If desired, paint the wood frame before arranging the decal. This step is optional if you prefer the natural wood. Since I planned to hang mine on my gallery wall, I gave it a sheer coat of white to match the existing upcycled frames. 

15 minute thrift store canvas upcycle

Once the paint dries, carefully remove the decal and apply it to the canvas.

15 minute thrift store canvas upcycle
This post contains affiliate links for suggested supplies. See full disclosure here.

Here's a view of mine hanging on the gallery wall above my winter white mantel.

15 minute thrift store canvas upcycle

My Thrift Store Addiction

15 minute thrift store canvas upcycle

My Thrift Store Addiction

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  1. What a sweet idea. I love the vintagy garland as well.

  2. What a great idea and I absolutely love the wall display!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  3. I love this....a frame in a frame is always such a fun display. Love your wall. Is there a trick to those decals? All of the ones I put on my painted wood boards buckled and peeled :-(

  4. I have yet to make a reverse art canvas but I love the idea!

  5. Cecilia, your canvas art is so so pretty, your whole gallery wall is!! thank you so very much for mentioning me and my blog, I am so happy that you got inspired <3

  6. Gotta love those dollar store decals! And your doily garland is dreamy!

  7. love the canvas art mixed in with all the lovely goodies. I love the doily garland, such a fun vintage feel
    come see us at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

  8. Your project looks amazing! You are very talented! It's fun to see the pictures before and after through the process.

    - Natalie A

  9. I love this! I see those decals all the time but I refrain from buying them cause I might not stop lol Love how it looks on your gallery wall and you KNOW I love that fireplace! xo Kathleen|Our Hopeful Home


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