Friday's Find: Currier & Ives Plus A New Etsy Shop!

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! Today's feature is one of my very favorite things: Vintage dishes! I have always admired this blue and white Currier & Ives pattern by Royal China.  This find is special to me because it will be the first listing in my new Etsy shop...  ...

DIY Doily L-O-V-E Banner

Happy Wednesday, Friends! Today I am sharing an easy DIY that is perfect for Valentine's Day or any occasion... ...

Romantic Candlelight Mantel

Greetings Friends! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.  I promised to share how I used the clearance heart wreath on my mantel. I've added more Christmas clearance, a few thrifted treasures and candlelight to create a romantic winter mantel... ...

Friday's Find: Peter Pan Kisses!

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! When I discovered today's tiny feature in one of my frequent haunts, I had to smile.  Ever since Dear Firstborn portrayed Wendy Darling in our local community theater, whenever I see a thimble I am reminded of Peter Pan... "Surely you know what a kiss...

Repurpose Your Christmas Cards as Valentines!

Happy Wednesday Friends! Today we are re-visiting one of my previous posts--what to do with those Christmas cards that are just too pretty to throw away... ...

Vintage Inspired Valentine Boxes

Greetings Friends! The last time I was in Target, I came across these ready made Valentine mailboxes and was instantly taken back to thoughts of my school days and construction paper hearts.  Have you ever had a similar experience?  Inspired by my nostalgia, I grabbed a few and decided to...

Friday's Find: Clearance Heart Wreath!

TGITF Friends! Today's feature is another Christmas clearance find.  I always keep an eye out for seasonal markdowns that can be used for different occasions so when I saw this heart wreath I made a beeline for it!  ...

Conquer the Clutter: Closet Turned Office Nook!

Happy Wednesday Friends! My mission to conquer clutter continues--today I'm sharing how I took a closet that was completely out of control and turned it into an efficient little office nook... ...

DIY Valentine Art for $1!

Greetings Friends! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend and staying warm! Today I am sharing a simple yet elegant DIY project I created from a $1 Valentine card... ...

Friday's Find: $5 Wicker Dresser!

TGITF Friends! Today's feature is a $5 yard sale find.  I gave it a fresh coat of paint, some new knobs and a little something extra... ...

Liebster Award!

Happy Wednesday Friends! Yesterday I received some exciting news: Teresa at Keeping It Real nominated me for the Liebster Award! Thanks so much Teresa!  Though I have heard of the award, I didn't know much about it.  I was elated to learn that part of the process involves...

Conquer the Clutter Challenge: Downsize your Christmas Decorations!

Greetings Friends! Christmas may be over, but I decided it was time to make my list and check it twice--I am ready to conquer some clutter that has crept into my home! Since I have neither a basement or a garage, my closets have become an ongoing challenge. You know how it is, you start with the...

Friday's Find: Three Vintage Gifts!

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! On this first Friday of the new year, I thought I would feature some Vintage finds from others who gifted them to me! Did you notice the sweet little laundry lady in my header? She is one of the Vintage gifts I was blessed to receive. I am always thrilled to...