15 Minute Emoji Tic-Tac-Toe Game

Happy Monday, Friends! Today I'm sharing a fun 15 minute project that you can craft with little ones. Inspired by Ginger Grand's love for emojis, I created a fresh spin on the classic game before he arrived and then let him make his own during his annual summer visit. He loved coming up...

Pottery Barn and Norman Rockwell Collectibles: Friday's Find #259

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! How has your week been? After a two-week visit, I put Ginger Grand on a plane to return home Wednesday. We had so much fun and I miss him already! Now... ready for this week's fabulous thrift store finds?  ...

Vintage Charm Party #143

Welcome to Vintage Charm Party #143! We invite you to share your vintage experiences--whether it’s your latest finds, crafts, or DIYs, we’d love to hear about it. Link up your furniture flips, roadside finds, repurposed projects, collections, home decor and more! ...

Vintage Summer Garden Tour

Happy Monday, Friends! Welcome to the Vintage Summer Garden Tour where 14 home and garden bloggers highlight vintage favorites from our summer gardens. If you're stopping by after visiting Decor to Adore, I know you enjoyed her lovely garden! Join me now for a stroll through...

Vintage Vanity Tray: Friday's Find #258

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! Don't you love it when you're thrifting and find the perfect home decor accent at just the right time? That's exactly what happened when I found this lovely vintage vanity tray right after I updated my bathroom counters...   ...

Vintage Charm Party #142

Welcome to Vintage Charm Party #142! We invite you to share your vintage experiences--whether it’s your latest finds, crafts, or DIYs, we’d love to hear about it. Link up your furniture flips, roadside finds, repurposed projects, collections, home decor and more! ...

How to Whitewash Cabinets and Doors: Bathroom Update Part III

Happy Monday, Friends! This month I've been featuring a series of DIY projects to complete a much needed bathroom update. First, I shared how to paint and stencil vinyl floors. Next, came my tutorial for thrifty painted countertops.  As promised, today I'm sharing the third segment...

Christmas in July: Friday's Find #257

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! It's that time of year when I like to share Christmas in July. From today until August 1, you can receive 25% off any vintage Christmas merchandise in my Etsy shop!  Today, I'll be highlighting a few newly listed items...  ...

Vintage Charm Party #141

Welcome to Vintage Charm Party #141! We invite you to share your vintage experiences--whether it’s your latest finds, crafts, or DIYs, we’d love to hear about it. Link up your furniture flips, roadside finds, repurposed projects, collections, home decor and more! ...

DIY Thrifty Painted Countertops: Bathroom Update Part II

Happy Monday, Friends! I've been on a mission to refresh my outdated bathroom--no more hunter green! Last week, I showed you how to paint and stencil vinyl floors. Today I'm sharing the next segment of my bathroom update: an easy and thrifty way to paint countertops... ...

Retro Tupperware Friday's Find #256

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! I remember most of the Tupperware pieces I'm featuring today from my childhood. I'm not sure why, but it came as somewhat of a surprise when I found out that the old-school stuff sells well on Etsy...  ...

Vintage Charm Party #140 and June Feature of the Month

Happy Fourth of July, Friends! Welcome to Vintage Charm Party #140 and the June Feature of the Month! We invite you to share your vintage experiences--whether it’s your latest finds, crafts, or DIYs, we’d love to hear about it. Link up your furniture flips, roadside finds, repurposed...

DIY Painted and Stenciled Bathroom Floor: Bathroom Update Part I

Happy Monday, Friends! Have you ever had one of those projects that you kept putting off, but when you finally tackled it, you were so happy with the results, you wished you'd done it sooner? That's exactly how I feel about my painted and stenciled bathroom floor... ...