Friday's Find: A Home for Rosie!

Hi there, Friends! Today's fabulous find is a real treat!  A few years ago, when I updated my living room, I searched relentlessly for a Vintage sofa. The only ones I found were online and way out of my price range.  I finally settled on a settee in hopes that I would...

Countdown to Christmas Eve: Have Yourself a Coastal Little Christmas!

Happy Wednesday Friends! There are 8 Wednesdays left until Christmas Eve! The countdown continues with some coastal inspiration... ...

Reflections on The Judge...

Hello Friends! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.  Recently I saw the movie The Judge.  I'll do my best not to give away any spoilers but I will tell you I haven't been able to stop thinking about it.  Maybe it's because despite my attempts, I didn't have a close relationship...

Friday's Find: Something Blue...

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! Have you been enjoying Fall weather and festivals? It has been lovely here--perfect for yard sales and checking out less frequented thrifts! Today's fabulous finds each feature something blue... ...

Countdown to Christmas Eve: DIY Frosted Tree!

Happy Wednesday Friends! The countdown continues--9 more Wednesdays until Christmas Eve! Today we are revisiting my post on DIY tree flocking.  I call my version frosting... ...

Vintage Bathroom Bling!

Greetings Friends! Today I am sharing several ways I used thrifted Vintage finds to add some bling to my tiny bathroom... ...

Friday's Find: Vintage Treasures!

Thank God it's thrifty Friday! Today I have oodles of thrifty Vintage goodness to share with you--the kind that makes it worth getting out of bed on a rainy morning! I had been looking for milk glass candle sticks so I was thrilled to find both a tall and a shortie. My heart skipped a beat when I...

Countdown to Christmas Eve: Shop Black Friday in Your Pajamas!

Happy Wednesday Friends! Would you be surprised if I told you there are 10 more Wednesdays until Christmas Eve? I have to admit, I was! I know it may seem early to begin Christmas posts.  Having said that, more than any other season I want the holidays to be a time of joy, peace and celebration....

Florida: A Trip to the Beach!

Greetings Friends! Last week I was invited to vacation with my Mom in Hollywood, Florida.  I don't travel often so this was an unexpected blessing.   The sound of the waves, the ocean air, our toes in the sand--what a treat!  If you could use a virtual escape, come along........ ...

Friday's Find: Fire-King Wheat!

TGITF Friends! Today I am sharing a Vintage vignette created with my latest yard sale treasures... ...

DIY Reed Fence Upgrade

Happy Wednesday Friends! If you have read my Secret Garden post, you know that my garden is not only my creative space and source of inspiration but has also been a labor of love.  I started with rocky soil and that was pretty much it! The labor part was frustrated by my constant...

Little Birdie Bench

Greetings Friends! One of the great things about thrift store bargains is that you can always re-upcycle like I did with this pretty little piano bench... ...

Friday's Find: Vintage Italian Mirrors!

TGITF Friends! Don't you just love to find a thrifted treasure that blends beautifully with your existing decor? Today's feature is just that kind of find... ...

Vintage Blog of the Week--I've Been Featured!

Happy Wednesday Friends! Today is the first day of October, my birthday month and I received an early gift when I found out I was chosen as Vintage blog of the week by Diana at Adirondack Girl at Heart! Happy early birthday to me and a big thank you to Diana! Just in case you are not already...