A Grand Mediterranean Cruise!

Hi there, Friends! My mother and stepfather just returned from a Grand Mediterranean cruise. The photos are absolutely gorgeous and I thought you might enjoy a little virtual getaway! This scenic view is taken from the ship as they approached the port of Venice, on the last stop of their journey....

Friday's Find #169 Plus the Evolution of a Plate Gallery Wall

TGITF, Friends! Okay...you see the plates in the photo and are probably thinking: Seriously, MORE transferware? You may even be wondering what one person could possibly do with so many plates! Well today I'm going to show you exactly what I did with these lovelies I found during my shopping trip...

Vintage Charm Party 54

Welcome to Vintage Charm Party #54 We invite you to share your vintage experiences--whether it’s your latest finds, crafts, or DIYs, we’d love to hear about it. Link up your furniture flips, roadside finds, repurposed projects, collections, home decor and more! ...

How I Save Money When I'm Not Thrift Store Shopping!

Happy Wednesday, Friends! Each week I chronicle my fabulous finds from local thrift stores but today I thought you might enjoy seeing how I save money when I'm not thrifting.... ...

DIY Reclaimed Door Fireplace Upcycle

Hi there, Friends! Are you enjoying a relaxing weekend? We had lovely weather so I went to an estate sale and several yard sales. I often share seasonal mantel displays but today I wanted to show you a recent upcycle I gave my faux fireplace. ...

Friday's Find #168

Thank God it's thrifty Friday, Friends! As promised, today I'm sharing my fabulous finds from my recent thrifting adventures with Cecilia @The B Farm and she'll be sharing her treasures today too. First, like the store name, I was instantly smitten when I spied this...

Vintage Charm Party 53

Welcome to Vintage Charm Party #53 We invite you to share your vintage experiences--whether it’s your latest finds, crafts, or DIYs, we’d love to hear about it. Link up your furniture flips, roadside finds, repurposed projects, collections, home decor and more! ...

Deceptively Delicious Breakfast Brownies Featuring a Secret Ingredient!

Happy Wednesday, Friends! If you follow my blog, you know I have a sweet tooth and brownies have always been a weakness. My kids would tell you that on more than one occasion, when they got up for breakfast, they caught me standing over a pan of brownies. True confession. While my love affair with...

Friendship Plus Fredericksburg Equals Fun!

Hi there, Friends! I've often said that one of the best perks of blogging is the sweet friendships formed. Today I'm sharing highlights from my visit with my dear friend Cecilia, blogger at The B farm.  ...

Friday's Find #167

TGITF Friends!  Well October is flying by, isn't it? While Cecilia B was here, we made the rounds to all of my favorite local thrifting haunts and spent some time in charming Fredericksburg too. I'll be sharing those finds next week. Ready to see this week's features? I rarely...

Vintage Charm #52

Welcome to Vintage Charm Party #52 We invite you to share your vintage experiences--whether it’s your latest finds, crafts, or DIYs, we’d love to hear about it. Link up your furniture flips, roadside finds, repurposed projects, collections, home decor and more! ...

Boo! Spooky Floating Sign

Happy Wednesday, Friends! I have a special house guest and while you're reading this, I'm probably hitting the thrift stores with Cecilia from The B Farm! I'll be sharing more from our visit soon, but today I have a fun project created from repurposed address numbers... ...

DIY Vintage Farmhouse Light Upgrade Using Existing Fixture

Hi there, Friends! Today I'm sharing my latest DIY project. I had been wanting to upgrade my dated kitchen light fixtures and ideally, hoped to replace the shades without having to change out the entire fixtures. However, after hunting unsuccessfully for some time, I was beginning to wonder if this...

Friday's Find #166

TGITF Friends! Isn't it funny when you're out thrifting and you realize the items you're choosing seem to have a common theme? Maybe they aren't identical, but complement each other instead. There are times when I'm sure two items have come from the same home. Have you noticed the same thing too?...

Vintage Charm #51 and September Feature of the Month!

Welcome to Vintage Charm Party #51 We invite you to share your vintage experiences--whether it’s your latest finds, crafts, or DIYs, we’d love to hear about it. Link up your furniture flips, roadside finds, repurposed projects, collections, home decor and more! ...

Repurposed Plastic Pumpkin Planter Fall Dollar Store Craft

Happy Wednesday, Friends! October is usually the month when Texas begins to feel like fall as far as the weather is concerned, so I am happy it has arrived. Today I'm sharing how to repurpose plastic trick-or-treat pumpkins as festive fall planters. ...

Junk Gypsy and Royers Cafe

Hi there, Friends! I'm guessing there's at least a few Junk Gypsy fans out there, am I right? It was quite a treat to visit the store and today I wanted to share it with you, plus some highlights from Royers Cafe. How fun is this pink suburban? The Junk Gypsy sisters nicknamed her...