Snippets from the Seattle Aquarium

Happy Monday, Friends! When I visited Favorite Son in Washington back in April, he planned so many fun outings and of course, I took tons of photographs. Today I'm sharing colorful snaps from the beautiful Seattle Aquarium including this vibrant striped Moorish idol fish

Seattle Aquarium

I always find it fascinating to visit the aquarium. Look at these luminous jellyfish! 

Seattle Aquarium

The pink sea anemone really caught my eye. Doesn't it almost look alien?! 

Seattle Aquarium

Clownfish and sea anemone have a symbiotic relationship.

Seattle Aquarium

Since I shared Nemo, I wanted to include Dory, too--see her near the top? 

Seattle Aquarium

It's not surprising that the otters have their own live video cams. The playful mammals know how to steal the show! 

The aquarium is located along the iconic Central Waterfront.

Seattle Aquarium

If you missed my previous Washington posts, you can find them below:

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  1. Cecilia,
    Beautiful pictures!! Thanks so much for stopping by and thanks so much for your prayers...Father's Day was tough, especially on my son Jim but we made it through and are looking forward to having our July 4th celebration...Stay cool!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog


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