Canvas Factory Review and Giveaway: Celebrating 5 Years of Blogging

I received a free 16 x 20 Canvas Factory print as compensation for this review. All opinions are my own. See full disclosure here.

Happy Monday, Friends! Today I'm excited to share a review of the gorgeous print I received from Canvas Factory plus a giveaway for you! 

Canvas factory review and giveaway

I was offered the opportunity to review a print from Canvas Factory and I must say that I'm impressed! The lovely canvas I received features professionally wrapped edges. 

Canvas Factory review and giveaway

Also, the gerber daisy image looks real enough to pick and the colors on the print I received were just as they appeared in the preview online. 

Canvas Factory review and giveaway

I hung it on the gallery wall above my mantel, in the dining room. {You can find the tutorial for my DIY flower garland, here.

Canvas Factory review and giveaway

It happens that I'm celebrating 5 years of blogging this month, so what better way to celebrate than with a fun giveaway? Canvas Factory has been kind enough to extend a giveaway offer for you! Leave a comment for your chance to win a 16" x 20" canvas print. The winner will have the choice of using their own photograph or selecting one of the many prints available from Canvas Factory. {Offer is available to residents of US and Canada only.}

Canvas Factory review and giveaway

My Thrift Store Addiction

Canvas Factory review and giveaway

Where would you hang your canvas? Be sure to leave me a comment for your chance to win! 

My Thrift Store Addiction signature

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  1. What a nice thing to do for your blogiversary, Cecilia (congratulations!). I like your chosen print a lot. I need to do something in my bathroom we remodeled, but could never get my prints to look good enough in preview (with a different source). Inertia set in. :(

  2. What fun, I have often thought of having some of my photographs put on canvas. I'd probably choose one of my flower pictures for the sunroom.

  3. Congratulations on Five Years of Blogging, Cecelia! I actually hit five years back in January (though this is my second blog, so I'm counting cumulative :-) Your blog has been on my Favorites List for more than two years now, and I still love it. Such pretty vignettes, upcycling ideas, and fun vintage stuff..

    I love the print. I would probably choose something for my bedroom since I'm getting ready to paint it.

    All the best,

  4. We have some new walls to fill, so it can go in multiple places. Thanks for offering this to us and enjoy reading your creative blogs.

  5. Five years is a great milestone!I enjoy your blog and wish you many more years to come.

  6. I love the photo on canvas!!!! great idea the wrap around is a great effect!!

  7. Congrats on 5 years! I love this canvas- I would hang it in our sunroom!

  8. Congrats on 5 years! Love the canvas!

  9. I love that print. I am going to go look at what all they have Is love to win one for my bedroom! Love your blog!

  10. Congratulations on your blog anniversary!

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  11. I love canvas wrapped prints ... so lightweight and easy to hang. Love the Gerber daisy and the color is perfect for your house. Maybe I need something like that to "freshen" up my bathroom. Congratulation on your five years as a blogger. You always have interesting blogs.
    Audrey Z.

  12. Just beautiful! I would love a canvas and would hang it over my bed.

  13. I would hang my canvas over my sofa so I would see it and enjoy it every time I walk by.

  14. Congratulations on 5 years! I would hang my canvas in the living room. We are running out of space to hang things, but with a little rearranging, it will fit near the settee. Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  15. Contrats on 5 years of blogging! Your canvas print is gorgeous! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  16. This picture is beautiful. You feel like you could touch the flowers.

  17. Five years go by very fast doesn't it? You've accomplished a lot and I have really enjoyed getting to know you. The canvas is lovely! Enjoy it!

  18. What a lovely print! It came out quite well. I will have to check them out.

  19. Congratulations on your 5 years of blogging. I have just recently found you so have lots of catching up to do. This print is beautiful. I would love to choose a print for my bedroom.

  20. Congratulations! I am fairly new to your blog and really enjoy it. I would love a beautiful print for my guest room

  21. Congrats on five years of blogging! I love your canvas print. I'm going to decline being in the drawing and let everyone else have the chance to win - I don't have any wall space for one. :)
    Hugs, Cecilia

  22. Love the canvas and love a give-away!

  23. Congrats on 5 years! I would hang this above my fireplace :)

  24. Congrats on 5 years of blogging; such an accomplishment! I have learned so much from you in the few months that i have been following you. My living room or bedroom could use a new picture; it is time to change things up a bit. Thank you for this chance!

  25. congratulations, a big accomplishment. Love your picture, so real looking and such pretty coloring.

  26. Congrats on 5 years of blogging. I'd hang a canvas in my guest room. Thanks.

  27. Congratulation on your five year blogging anniversary! I hit the five year mark earlier this year. Hope you have many more very successful years!

  28. Congratulations. I'd absolutely LOVE to win this.

    1. I love a canvas, my husband got me one of the grandchildren for Xmas a few years ago and I had one made of my sister's boxer dog for her 50th birthday, we both have them on the living room wall #,happynow@_karendennis

  29. Thank you to everyone who entered! The giveaway is now closed.
